Scaleouts ASSIST worskhop
You need a Linux system with Python 3.8, Docker and a modern GPU, installed with the appropriate Nvidia drivers and Docker, docker compose and Nvidia-docker.
Open a terminal.
Clone this repo and move in to the ASSIST-workshop-120522 folder:
git clone
cd ASSIST-workshop-120522
- Create a data folder inside of the ASSIST-workshop-120522 folder and put in to the data folder:
mkdir data
cd data
- Download your local dataset partition from the google drive page and move it to the data folder.
- Unzip your local dataset (inside the data folder):
Download the client.yaml file from the google drive page and put it in the ASSIST-workshop-120522 folder (the easiest way is to use an editor such as vim and copy-paste the content).
Add the host ip XXX.XXX.XX.XX to the client.yaml file, line 3:
discover_host: XXX.XXX.XX.XX
- Open the docker-compose.yaml in your prefered editor and add the server ip adress that the workshop host is providing you with, to the combiner namespace, line 5:
combiner: XXX.XXX.XX.XX
Open the docker-compose.yaml and add your name to the client, line 12:
command: /venv/bin/fedn run client --name yourname -in client.yaml
Replace yourname with your name. Dont use capitals or special characters.
Connect the client to the FEDn network:
docker-compose up
, or alternative:
docker compose up
Make sure the terminal shows: "CLIENT active".
Now wait for the workshop host to start training.
This is an example of how we attached a client using a pre-configured GPU instance in AWS EC2. We used the US East (N. Virginia) region, so you might need to adjust AMIs if you use a different region.
- Launch a GPU-equipped intance using a Amazon Linux AMI preconfigured with Nvidia drivers and Nvidia-docker. We used 'g3.4xlarge (M60)' and the AMI 'Deep Learning AMI GPU CUDA 11.4.3 (Amazon Linux 2) 20220316'.
- Follow the general instruction above to clone this repository, stage the dataset, and add 'client.yaml'.
- This AMI does not come with docker-compose, so we will instead start the client using Docker:
Build the image:
docker build . -t assist
Start the client in a container. Replace with the IP-address provided by the workshop host, and give the client a recognizable name (spaces, dashes and underscores in the name are not allowed):
docker run -v /home/ec2-user/ASSIST-workshop-120522/data/:/app/data:ro -v /home/ec2-user/ASSIST-workshop-120522/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml --add-host=combiner:<IP> --gpus all assist:latest /venv/bin/fedn run client -in client.yaml --name YOURNAME