A Giter8 template for Sri (scalajs-react-interface).
Make sure to have giter8
and npm
: install-node.sh
First define some useful variables, just to make life easier. Replace the <>
enclosed names with yours.
$ template="https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/mobile.g8"
$ project="<myproject>"
$ package="<com.mycompany>"
Let's create a project from the template. Change working directory to where you want the project to live
$ g8 $template --name=$project --package=$package
We should now have a directory called $project
that you can cd
$ cd $project
Let's use react-native
to create the boostrap code:
$ react-native init $project
We now copy the generated folders android
and ios
into our newly created project. Once we copy, we can get rid of the remaining files we don't need:
$ mv $project/android .
$ mv $project/ios .
$ rm -r -f $project
Now we install dependencies:
$ npm install
We can now build from from sources. By prepending ~
, sbt will recompile whenever source files change.
$ sbt
sbt> ~android:dev
$ sbt
sbt> ~ios:dev
Open a separate terminal window and run the emulator in it.
Open a separate terminal window and run NPM:
$ npm start
Open a separate terminal window and deploy the application into the emulator:
$ react-native run-android
$ react-native run-ios
The generated project has a single and very simple presentation page. However, you can request the generation of additional code which hopefuly may be useful for your application.
In the example below we show how SBT can help us generate additional code:
$ cd $HOME/workspace/$project
$ sbt
sbt> g8Scaffold stackNavigation
sbt> g8Scaffold tabNavigation
sbt> g8Scaffold drawerNavigation
Then run either ~android:dev
or ~ios:dev
in sbt
You need to adjust MobileApp.scala in order to call the desired implamentation:
package com.mycompany
import sri.universal.apis.AppRegistry
object MobileApp {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
// Choose one of: "default.root", "stackNavigation", "tabNavigation", "drawerNavigation", ...
val component = default.root
AppRegistry.registerComponent("main", () => component)
Written in Sri developers [other author/contributor lines as appropriate]
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.