Using React.js to build a workout web app
This is a database course (CS 542) project. Teacher requires us to write an app that can connect to database and execute some sql queries. Beyond the basic requirements, I am trying to use some new technologies like React.js.
This is an workout web app which tells user about some useful workout information.
###Login There are several test users for you:
username: jimmy, pwd: jimmy
username: belle, pwd: belle
###Go to Dashboard
###View food
###View your workout schedule
###View Leader board
##Run this app on your local machine
- install NODEJS first, select the version that matches your environment, then go to the directory of the project.
- install dependencies
npm install
- import the schema to database( project1.sql ). Please use "import from self-contained file" option. You DO NOT need to create a schema yourself.
- populate database
$EDITOR $repo/config.json
enter your own db information(for the chema name, when you import the database, it will create a schema for you and the name should be 'cs542_project1')
"username": "root",
"password": "susie19910401",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "3306"
- start the server to run application
npm start
( wait until the "Production Express server running at localhost:3000" show in your console) 6. visit app by url: http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Let me know if there is any issue, Thanks!
OR, by posting issues on here