A robust toolkit for using USGS ISIS 3 in Python.
First you must have USGS ISIS 3 installed on your machine. Click here for the ISIS 3 installation guide. Remember to set your environmental variables (see step 4 of USGS ISIS guide). Then, download the Pysis files from github. Run the setup.py script to install the Pysis packages.
How to write ISIS 3 code in python using Pysis.
Using ISIS 3 at the command line you might want to run the following basic commands (examples for the MDIS camera on the MESSENGER mission):
mdis2isis from=filename.IMG to=filename.cub
spiceinit from=filename.cub
mdiscal from=filename.cub to=filename.cal.cub
using Pysis the syntax is:
from pysis.commands import isis
from pysis.util import file_variations
to import the packages, then
(cub_name, cal_name) = file_variations(img_name, ['.cub', '.cal.cub'])
to set the desired filename variaitons, and then
isis.mdis2isis(from_=img_name, to=cub_name)
isis.mdiscal(from_=cub_name, to=cal_name)
In python function form, this short set of commands can be written as:
def basic_img_proc(img_name):
(cub_name, cal_name) = file_variations(img_name, ['.cub', '.cal.cub'])
isis.mdis2isis(from_=img_name, to=cub_name, target='MERCURY')
isis.mdiscal(from_=cub_name, to=cal_name)
where the function is passed the string image_name and returns nothing.
Here is an example of the maptemplate and cam2map commands in Pysis:
isis.maptemplate(map='MDIS_eqr.map', projection='equirectangular', clon=0.0, clat=0.0, resopt='mpp', resolution=1000, rngopt='user', minlat=-10.0, maxlat=10.0, minlon=-10.0, maxlon=10.0)
isis.cam2map(from_=cal_name, to=proj_name, pixres='map', map='MDIS_eqr.map', defaultrange='map')
where proj_name is set by:
(cub_name, cal_name, proj_name) = file_variations(img_name, ['.cub', '.cal.cub', '.proj.cub'])