Breaking changes
- First Beta Release!
- Rename from "HwpKit" to "CoreHwp"
- Support Linux
API changes
- First Beta Release!
Closed Issues & Merged PRs
- Refactor Traversing record in IdMappings @sboh1214 (#27)
- Create SECURITY.md @sboh1214 (#26)
- Define coverage HwpKitFramework only @sboh1214 (#25)
- Refactor codes @sboh1214 (#23)
- Parse DocInfo --> TabDef, Numbering, Bullet, Style @sboh1214 (#22)
- make HwpFile.init() equals to blank-win2018.hwp @sboh1214 (#21)
- Update release-drafter.yml @sboh1214 (#20)
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md @sboh1214 (#19)
🚀 Features
- Add other ctrl, HwpFromUInt32, Test files for FileHeader @sboh1214 (#36)
- Parse CtrlId (Table) / Add constraint and change to .load @sboh1214 (#33)
- Add Ctrl Id @sboh1214 (#30)
- Complete Linux Support @sboh1214 (#29)
- Add Linux Support @sboh1214 (#28)