Small GUI Java framework to create simple Swing visual interfaces.
The framework is modular and plugin based.
Each component is stored in a jar file with a specific manifest entry.
The components are recursively loaded from file system in the default folders during the app creation
The built in components are
- Containers (tabs, desktop, split, grid)
Work in progress...
The project is a Netbeans project, for manual compiling, use the ant build.xml
cd {project}
ant jar
To run the example application
cd dist
java -jar ExampleApp.jar
The components and main application frame are all stored in jar archives as plugins in a defined folder on your file system.
The framework will load dynamically the plugins at the boot process
Check the example application files for more informations
Each component must be composed of
- A factory
- A plugin
- A jar containing the classes, libraries and resources of the component
Each component is attached to a
- Category
- Family
The factory is the entry point of you component/plugin. Each factory will be instantiated when the application is started
The factory must implement the interface
Here are some description of the TinyFactory interface
Determine the category of the plugin (gui, ...)
For visual components
Determine the family within the category
Visual panel containers (contains other component)
A basic visual panel
Return the new plugin instance
The passed argument can be specific for each factory
Each factory will produce a plugin instance when needed
To add a plugin simply create a jar files in the /lib/ext folder with the manifest entry
Tiny-Factory: {full qualified class name of the factory}
The class must implement the interface below
The entry point of your app should be loaded by the default class loader (for example the Java Web Start class loader) and stored in a separated jar which defines the common manifest entry
Main-Class: app.ExampleApp
Class-Path: TinyRCP.jar
The framework will start the main entry point and do some initialization and finally will start the main application frame
The boot process consist of
- Create a custom classloader
- Load all the custom plugins stored in a defined folder
- Create a splash screen for user feedback
- The framework boot method is called
- The boot process will call the main() method of the app frame
Here is an example of your main entry point (which is loaded by the system class loader)
public class ExampleApp {
* Main entry point for the boot process
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(final String args[]) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//--- Prepare the loader plugin path to use
String libs[] = {
//--- Prepare default boot splash frame for user feedback
JAppLauncher japp = new JAppLauncher(args);
//--- Start boot process
//--- When the boot has finished, the splash screen should
//--- close itself and the main app frame will be opened
AppLauncher.boot(japp, libs, args, "ExampleApp");
The main application frame to start is defined in the manifest entry
The stored jar will be loaded by the tinyrcp custom class loader and then the main method of the class will be called with all the passed arguments from the boot process