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Irina Balaur edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the cd2sbgnml wiki!


Please be aware of the limitations of the translator.

Translation examples and results comparison

You will find below some pages dedicated to showcasing the translator capabilities and its limitations on different maps. Some comments and details on the graphical aspects of the translation are also provided.

From CellDesigner to SBGN:

From SBGN to CellDesigner:

More useful links

  • Details about the SBGN-ML format
  • The CellDesigner format specifications (outdated for 4.4)
  • SBFC: a set of translators dedicated to systems biology files convertion.
  • a webservice for SBGN rendering from command line.
  • Newt: an open-source web editor for SBGN under active development.
  • Vanted with SBGN-ED: a desktop editor for SBGN.
  • ySBGN converter: an yEd-SBGN-ML translator
  • Cytoscape: the well known platform for network visualization/analysis.
    • BiNoM: a plugin that allows to load files from different systems biology formats (including CellDesigner)
    • CySBGN: a plugin to load SBGN files
  • celldesigner-parser: parse and converts from CellDesigner to SBML Layout.
  • SBML2SBGNML: a GSOC project to convert between SBML and SBGN.