System Reuqirements: Windows 7 or higher
Step 1. Download and install .NET Core 3.0 hosting bundle: [Download]
Step 2. Disable windows firewalls & and antivirus if necessary
Step 3. Import the dump file in MySQL Workbench, don't run it in script window [File]
Note: make sure the port number of the instance is the default one: 3306
Step 4. Go to the folder GroceryBama\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.0\publish, Run GroceryBama.exe as administrator
Step 5. Open the localhost url in browser with displayed port number
- Visual Studio 2019 [Download]
- With ASP.NET and web development Workload installed
- GitHub extension for Visual Studio (Optional)
- MySQL 8.0 [Download]
- MySQL 8.0 Workbench CE (Optional)
It is recommended to use the following settings during installation
High Availability
Standalone MySQL Server / Classic MySQL Replication
Authentication Method
Use Legacy Authentication Method
Then use the scripts above to create a new user and database, if you want to use names or credentials other than default, remember to change the file AppInformation.cs
under project root folder and exclude it in .gitignore