Trolls are attacking your comment section!
A common way to deal with this situation is to remove all of the vowels from the trolls' comments, neutralizing the threat.
Your task is to write a function that takes a string and return a new string with all vowels removed.
For example, the string "This website is for losers LOL!" would become "Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!".
Note: for this kata y isn't considered a vowel.
- Делаем сопоставление через Regex.Replace(string input, string pattern, string replacement)
input --- String
Строка для поиска соответствия.
pattern --- String
Шаблон регулярного выражения для сопоставления.
replacement --- String
Строка замены.
Используем "(?i)" для игнорирования регистра.