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Julia package for working with Markov decision processes (MDPs)


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MDPs is a Julia package for working with Markov decision processes (MDPs).


MDPs supports both Julia 0.3 and 0.4, and can be installed from the REPL via:


Quick Use

So far only a few simple types and the value iteration algorithm have been implemented. A basic usage could look like this:

using MDPs
P, R = MDPs.Examples.random(10, 3)  # a random MDP with 10 states and 3 actions
mdp = MDP(P, R)
Q = value_iteration(mdp, 0.9)  # value iteration with a discount factor of 0.9
value(Q)  # the optimal value vector
policy(Q)  # the optimal policy vector


The documentation is here for now until it becomes more complete. For more information please check the docstrings and source code.


There are four categories of types:

  • Transition probability
  • Reward
  • Q function
  • MDP

In the following discussion, let S be the number of states and A be the number of actions.

Transition probability types

A transition probability is the probability that the system moves from state s to state s' given that action a was taken. So there must be some function P, that takes input arguments s, t and a, and maps these to an output p. p is the probability that s transitions to t when a is performed. The transition probability types are used to abstract this functionality.

The base type is AbstractTransitionProbability, and types that implement transition probability functionality should be subtypes of it. Any subtype of AbstractTransitionProbability is expected to implement a method called probability The calling signature of this function looks like:

probability(P, s, t, a)

where P is a subtype of AbstractTransitionProbability, s is the starting state, t is the next state, a is the action, and it returns a Real between 0 and 1 inclusive.

Any algorithm should be designed to accept this abstract type and interact with it using the probability function.

This absrtact type has two subtypes: AbstractTransitionProbabilityArray and MDPs.TransitionProbabilityFunction. AbstractTransitionProbabilityArray is the base type for transition probability types that store data as a Julia AbstractArray subtype. It has two concrete subtypes TransitionProbabilityArray and SparseTransitionProbabilityArray. These types are constructed by passing the approprioate Julia array type: either an Array{T<:Real,3} or Vector{SparseMatrixCSC{Tv<:Real,Ti<:Integer}} respectively.

These types all have a convenience constructor TransitionProbability that will return the correct type based on the type of its argument.

For example, these define a transition probabilities for five states and two actions, where states always transition back to themselves:

P_dense = TransitionProbability(cat(3, eye(5), eye(5)))
P_sparse = TransitionProbability(SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int}[speye(5) for _ = 1:2])
probability(P_dense, 1, 1, 2) == probability(P_sparse, 1, 1, 2) == 1
probability(P_dense, 1, 2, 2) == probability(P_sparse, 1, 2, 2) == 0

The constructor for FunctionTransitionProbability takes a Julia Function and the number of states and actions. The function should accept three arguments s, t, a and return a Real. For example:

P = TransitionProbability((s, t, a) -> s == t ? 1 : 0, 5, 2)
probability(P, 1, 1, 2)  == 1
probability(P, 1, 2, 2)  == 0

The benefit of using a function could be to define very large state or action spaces. As an exagerated example:

s = BigInt(string(typemax(Int))^2)  # 92233720368547758079223372036854775807 on 64 bit
probability(P, s, s, 1000) == 1

Reward types

A reward is a score used to adjust the value that is assigned to each state in the long run. The base type is AbstractReward, and rewards should be a subtype of this.

Each subtype should also define the reward method. The calling signature is

reward(R, s, a)

where R is a subtype of AbstractReward, s is the state, a is the action, and it returns a Real.

There is a subtype AbstractArrayReward with two further subtypes: ArrayReward and SparseReward. ArrayReward can be constructed with either a Vector, Matrix or Array{T,3}. SparseReward is constructed with a SparseMatrixCSC. There is a convenience function Reward which will return the appropriate type. Examples with 10 states and 3 actions:

R1 = Reward(rand(10))  # reward depends only on state
R2 = Reward(rand(10, 3))
R3 = Reward(rand(10, 10, 3))
R4 = Reward(sprand(10, 3, 1/3))

The 3-dimensional ArrayReward is most useful for reinforcement learning algorithms.

Q-function types

The Q-function types abstract the process of assigning values to states and actions. The base type is AbstractQFunction, and there are currently two subtypes: ArrayQFunction and VectorQFunction. ArrayQFunction stores a dense matrix of the value for each state-action pair. On the other hand, VectorQFunction stores only the currently optimal value and policy. These two types represent different trade-offs for memory/time efficiency. The methods that should be implemented for these types are valuetype(Q), value(Q), policy(Q), value!(V, Q), and setvalue!(Q, v, s, a), where Q is a subtype of AbstractQFunction.

  • valuetype(Q): the type of the values
  • policy(Q): the optimal policy
  • value(Q): the value of each state when following the optimal policy
  • value!(V, Q): copy the value to V
  • setvalue!(Q, v, s, a): set the value of being in state s and taking action a to v

Examples for 10 states and 3 actions:

Q1 = ArrayQFunction(10, 3)  # initialised to Float64 zeros
Q2 = ArrayQFunction(rand(10, 3))  # pass in pre-initialised array
Q3 = QFunction(rand(10, 3))  # identical to previous
Q4 = VectorQFunction(10)  # initialised to Float64 zeros
Q5 = VectorQFunction(rand(10), rand(Int, 10))  # pass in pre-initialised vectors
Q6 = QFunction(rand(10), rand(Int, 10))  # identical to previous

MDP types

The base type is AbstractMDP with one concrete subtype MDP. POMDP is planned for the future.

The MDP types provide a wrapper around AbstractTransitionProbability and AbstractReward types, ensure that the number of states and actions in both are the same, and that the transition probability matrices are square and stochastic. They are initialised by passing an AbstractTransitionProbability and AbsrtactReward.

Also algorithms take an AbstractQFunction instance and an AbstractMDP instance to solve the problem.

Currently there are value_iteration(mdp::MDP, δ) and value_iteration!(Q::AbsrtactQFunction, mdp::MDP, δ) defined. These perform the value iteration algorithm. The former will construct its own Q-function and return it, while the later will modify the Q-function that is passed to it.

Other functions

This is a list of the other exported functions:

  • bellman: the Bellman operator.
  • bellman!: the in-place Bellman operator.
  • is_square_stochastic: checks that P is square-stochastic.
  • ismdp: checks that P and R describe a valid MDP.
  • num_actions: number of states.
  • num_states: number of actions.


There are some examples in the Examples submodule that return transition and reward types, which can be passed to the TransitionProbability and Reward methods respectively.

  • MDPs.Examples.random: random dense
  • MDPs.Examples.sprandom: random sparse
  • MDPs.Examples.small: two states and two actions


MDPs.Examples.random(states, actions) will create a random Float64 transition array that is of size states×states×actions and a random Float64 reward array that is of size states×actions.

MDPs.Examples.random{N}(states, actions, mask::Array{Bool,N}) will set the transition array to zero everywhere that mask is false. mask can be states×states×actions or states×actions in size.


Bellman R, 1957, A Markovian Decision Process, Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 679–684.


Please file and issues or feature requests through the GitHub issue tracker.


The package is licensed under the terms of the MIT "Expat" License. See for details.


Julia package for working with Markov decision processes (MDPs)







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