A terminal user interface for Toggl Track, allowing you to manage your time entries directly from the command line.
Reason for this project is that I wanted to change client / project fast from command line. Seems that other tools did not support this.
This is inspired by togglCli but written in TypeScript and added some features:
- Finding clients and projects by name
- Easy way to add new clients and projects
- Listing recent time entries
Supports also multiple (Toggl Track) workspaces, but if you have only one workspace, it will use that one without asking.
Easiest way to install this is to install with npm:
npm install -g @savikko/tttui
Then, you can use tttui
or t
to start the tool.
If you have no Node.js installed, you can use the pre-built executables.
Executables are built with pkg
. Tried also Node.JS SEA but couldn't get it to work.
- Download the appropriate executable for your system from the latest release
- Rename it to
on Windows) - Make it executable (on Unix systems):
chmod +x tttui
- Move it to a directory in your PATH
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/savikko/tttui.git
cd tttui
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run in development mode
yarn dev
# Create executables for all platforms
yarn package
This will create executables in the bin
(Apple Silicon)tttui-macos-x64
(Intel Mac)tttui-linux-x64
To use tttui
from anywhere, copy the appropriate binary to your local bin directory:
# macOS/Linux (choose the right binary for your system)
sudo cp bin/tttui-macos-arm64 /usr/local/bin/tttui
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tttui
# Or without sudo (create ~/bin if it doesn't exist)
mkdir -p ~/bin
cp bin/tttui-macos-arm64 ~/bin/tttui
chmod +x ~/bin/tttui
# Add to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc if ~/bin is not in PATH:
# export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
# Optional: Add shorter alias (add to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc)
alias t=tttui
Now you can run tttui
(or just t
) from anywhere!
# Interactive mode (default)
tttui # or just 't'
This will:
- Ask for your Toggl API token (first time only)
- Show any running time entry
- Let you select workspace (if you have multiple workspaces), client, and project
- Start a new time entry
tttui stop # or 't stop'
Also, when running tttui
and you have a running time entry, it will stop the previous time entry and start a new one.
tttui list # or 't list'
This will show recent time entries grouped by day, showing for each entry:
- Duration in hours and minutes (e.g., "01h30m")
- Time range [HH:MM-HH:MM]
- Description
- Client and project information
- Status (🟢 for running, ⚫ for completed)
tttui edit # or 't edit'
This command allows you to edit recent time entries:
- Shows a list of your 10 most recent time entries
- Select an entry to edit
- Edit the start time, end time, and description
Example output:
Recent entries:
⚫ 00h45m [09:15-10:00] Task 1 (Client - Project)
⚫ 01h15m [10:30-11:45] Task 2 (Client - Project)
For me, the use case is that I am utilizing direnv to manage my environment variables.
You can set your API token using the TOGGL_API_TOKEN
environment variable:
export TOGGL_API_TOKEN=your_api_token_here
When this is set, the tool will:
- Use this token instead of reading from the config file
- Skip the API token prompt on first run
- Allow running the tool without any stored configuration
You can set a default project using the TOGGL_PROJECT
environment variable:
export TOGGL_PROJECT=123456789 # Replace with your project ID
When this is set, the tool will:
- Skip client and project selection
- Use the specified project directly
- Show which project and client it's using
- Proceed straight to task description
If there's any error with the predefined project (not found, wrong ID, etc.), the tool will fall back to the normal selection flow.
You can set a default client using the TOGGL_CLIENT
environment variable:
export TOGGL_CLIENT=123456789 # Replace with your client ID
When this is set, the tool will:
- Skip client selection
- Use the specified client directly
- Show which client it's using
- Continue with project selection
If there's any error with the predefined client (not found, wrong ID, etc.), the tool will fall back to the normal client selection.
Note, if there is no client, just use TOGGL_CLIENT=0
The app stores its configuration in ~/.tttui
(as a JSON file), including:
- Your Toggl API token
- Recently used workspaces, clients, and projects
You can find your Toggl API token at: https://track.toggl.com/profile (scroll down to find your API token)