Create a website for CPU scheduling algorithms (FCFS, Priority Scheduling(non preemptive) and Priority Scheduling (Preemptive)). On clicking any algorithm, the page must display the working of the algorithm and have a working model of it. For instance, for priority scheduling, the working model should take input from the user related.
e.g. FCFS
FCFS is a non-preemptive algorithm. It is the simplest of all scheduling algorithms. It simply queues processes in the order they arrive in the ready queue. It is also called First Come First Served Scheduling.
Enter the number of processes: 3
Enter the arrival time of process 1: 0
Enter the burst time of process 1: 4
Enter the arrival time of process 2: 1
Enter the burst time of process 2: 5
Enter the arrival time of process 3: 2
Enter the burst time of process 3: 1
Process 1:
Waiting time: 0
Turnaround time: 4
Process 2:
Waiting time: 4
Turnaround time: 9
Process 3:
Waiting time: 9
Turnaround time: 10
Average waiting time: 4.333
Average turnaround time: 7.667
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Open index.html in your browser
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