** Using RStudio
install.packages("data.table", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
- Data cleansing v(x.x).R
- File_test_run.csv
** Run the R script: Data cleansing v(x.x).R
- Corrections to the data against the test cases: clean_name, clean_email, clean_phone
- A data quality map which is a JSON array of corrections made against test cases: data_quality_map
- Exception column to flag data that cannot be programmatically corrected and should be fixed at source : name_exception, email_exception, phone_exception
- DQ_output.csv - output from the script.
- DQ_exception.csv - Using SQL against data tables, a summary of the exceptions is produced.
Install Node
sudo npm install faker
sudo npm install json2csv
Run: node user_generate.js
This will generate: file.csv
This file is used in file_test_cases.xlsx to create the test cases in file_test_run.csv