if environment is container, the cpu ,memory is relative to container, else the metrics is relative to host.
cpu percent is the avg cpu percent in multi cpu core and 100% is the max percent
juejing link : https://juejin.cn/post/6986598285406371871/
cpu := cmetric.CurrentCpuPercentUsage()
fmt.Println("cpu ", cpu)
memory := cmetric.CurrentMemoryPercentUsage()
fmt.Println("memory ", memory)
time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond)
go func() {
t := time.NewTicker(6 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
fmt.Println("cpu down===========")
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
fmt.Println("cpu up===========")
goto restart
i start a 0.5cpu container . then i exec the code in a container. we can see the cpu rate changes and the cpu is up to 0.5 the will not up to more.
pu 0
memory 0.0009067918
cpu 1.0382111932603482
memory 0.00097522896
cpu 1.0270122977276814
memory 0.00097522896
cpu 0.9752556716859127
memory 0.00097522896
cpu down===========
cpu 0.01998823174866435
memory 0.00097522896
cpu 0
memory 0.00097522896
cpu 0
memory 0.00097522896
cpu up===========
cpu 1.0202506439554495
memory 0.0010586367
cpu 1.027026345137049
memory 0.0010586367
cpu 1.0184514486461407
memory 0.0010586367
cpu down===========
cpu 0
memory 0.0010586367
cpu 0
memory 0.0010586367