A presenation that introduces Xamarin to developers who are familiar with mobile development but not Xamarin. The presentation dicusses Xamarin architecture from a high level including Xamarin Forms and writing platform specific code for iOS and Android.
To run the demos download and install Visual Studio 2017 (there is a free community version). You can install Visual Studio on Windows or Mac. To run the demos:
- Open the solution in Visual Studio.
- Select either iOS or Droid project as the startup.
- Select your emulator or device.
- Click run.
The demos where created and tested using Visual Studio 2017 Mac. That said they should run on Windows but you will need a Mac (lapotp or desktop) to compile and run the iOS parts of the demos. All the requirements to run Xamarin can be found here.
If you have any questions or spot an error in the slides or demos please let me know by opening a issue.
This presentation was orginally created for the Edmonton Mobile Developers (iOS and Android). Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present.