satshakit is a Arduino IDE and libraries compatible, fabbable and open source board.
Here you can find all of the satshakit boards: satshakit organization.
satshakit-nero is microcontroller board designed around the ATMega1284P and the ATMega328P chips and it is suitable for advanced drone applications and scenarios in which it is needed to have two available microcontrollers. The ATMega328P manages the flight with the Multiwii while the ATMega1284P can be used to inject and override the transmitter stick values (ROLL, PITCH, YAW and THROTTLE) or to manage a set of additional sensors. In the board there is a jumper to enable or disable the serial communication between the two microcontrollers (SERIAL_COMMON in the Eagle board).
The ATMega328P microntroller gives to this board all the features of the original satshakit flight controller board:
- support for any drone configuration up to 8 motors
- support for up to 6 channels receivers
- 16mhz crystal for precise clock, reliability and compatibility
- possibility to connect and use any IMU working at 5V
And plus it adds the features of the satshakit-128:
- 128k flash memory
- 2 serials
- 16k of ram
- 32 IO pins
Here you can have a look on satshakit-nero board:
downloads (right click, download as)
- satshakit-nero eagle schematic
- satshakit-nero eagle board
- satshakit-nero inside cut png
- satshakit-nero outsite cut png
satshakit-nero flying test:
- Daniele Ingrassia
Fablab Kamp-Lintfort
Hochschule Rhein-Waal
Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
This work is licensed under the terms of the open source license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).