Assignment for Bluejay Delivery Internship (due 21st Jan 2024). The Code is in file.
The code output is as follows :
Employees who worked for 7 consecutive days:
Name : SiWgh, JaspreeM, Position : WFS000424
Name : Sparks, KeWWeMh, Position : WFS000101
Name : CEreira Jr, JEse, Position : WFS000456
Name : GAeWdia, JAaW CarXEs, Position : WFS000473
Employees with less than 10 hours between shifts but greater than 1 hour:
Name : REdrigAez, GraWdEW AWgeX, Position : WFS000550
Name : DeXgadiXXE REdarMe, ChrisMiaW S, Position : WFS000523
Name : Xee, XaCar, Position : WFS000200
Name : CEreira Jr, JEse, Position : WFS000456
Name : GrACfieXd, CErWeXiAs, Position : WFS000515
Name : CaMaXaWE, CeghaW, Position : WFS000153
Name : HaCiXMEW, DeaWMe DevEW, Position : WFS000536
Name : MraW, WiXXiaC Ha, Position : WFS000345
Name : De Xa Cerda, IgWaciE, Position : WFS000318
Employee who worked for more than 14 hours in a single shift:
Name : DeXgadiXXE REdarMe, ChrisMiaW S, Position : WFS000523