Various algorithms and data structures implemented for educational purposes.
Heap (Heap.ts)
A heap is a data structure for storing items while providing efficient access to the smallest element in it.
The order is specified by a compare function passed to the constructor.
See also: Binary Heap.
const minHeap = new Heap([2, 1, 3], compareNumbers);
minHeap.pop(); // -> 1
minHeap.peekTop(); // -> 3
minHeap.pushAndPop(6); // -> 3
Quicksort (quicksort.ts)
A popular sorting algorithm.
See also: Quicksort.
quicksort([2, 3, 1], compareNumbers); // -> [1, 2, 3]
Quickselect (quickselect.ts)
A partitioning algorithm that will find the k-th smallest element in an array and place it at index k in the array. All elements before it will be smaller-or-equal and all elements after it will be larger-or-equal.
Therefore, the algorithm can be used to find the top k elements.
See also: Quickselect.
quickselect([5, 3, 1, 4, 2], compareNumbers, 2); // -> [2, 1, 3, 5, 4]
Huffman Coding (HuffmanTree.ts)
Huffman coding is a compression algorithm. It uses the frequency of bytes in the input data to establish a variable bit-width encoding, where more frequent bytes will have a shorter encoding than less frequent ones.
See also: Huffman Coding.
const data = Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]);
const tree = new HuffmanTree(byteFrequencies(data));
const encoded = tree.encode(data); // -> DynamicBitArray 111100
const decoded = tree.decode(encoded); // Uint8Array [1, 2, 3]
Least Recently Used Cache (LRUCache.ts)
A cache with a fixed capacity. When the capacity is exceeded, it will evict the least recently used entry.
See also: LRU Cache.
const cache = new LRUCache(1);
cache.set(1, "one");
cache.set(2, "two");
cache.get(1); // -> undefined
cache.get(2); // -> "two"
Aho-Corasick (AhoCorasick.ts)
A string search algorithm that is able to efficiently search for multiple strings at the same time.
See also: Aho-Corasick algorithm.
const ahoCorasick = new AhoCorasick(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]);"pudding apple banana cherry the world wonders");
// -> [
// { index: 8, string: "apple" },
// { index: 14, string: "banana" },
// { index: 21, string: "cherry" },
// ];
Market (Market.ts)
A market where buy and sell orders can be submitted and will be executed against each other.
It supports limit
and market
order types.
const market = new Market();
type: "limit",
side: "sell",
quantity: 10,
limit: 5,
const result = market.processOrder({
type: "limit",
side: "buy",
quantity: 10,
limit: 10,
result.executedTrades; // -> [{ sellOrderId: 1, buyOrderId: 2, quantity: 10, price: 5 }]