Automatic writing machine is a CNC machine
- NEMA 17 stepper motor - 2 Nos
- Stepper motor holder - 2 Nos
- Digital servo Motor - 1 Nos
- GRBL controller - 1 Nos
- Stepper motor driver - 2 Nos
- GT2 idle pulley - 2 Nos
- GT2 belt - 5 meters
- Arduino UNO - 1 Nos
- SC8UU - 8 Nos
- Smooth rod - 4 Nos
- Hollow aluminum rod - 3.5 Meters
- L Clamp - 12 Nos
- Arduino UNO - 1 No
Use 'ZENOOFF2020' as coupon code.
- NEMA 17 stepper motor - Tomson Electronics
- Stepper motor holder - Tomson Electronics
- GRBL controller - Tomson Electronics
- Digital Servo Motor - Tomson Electronics
- SC8UU - Tomson Electronics
- Arduino UNO (Original) - Arduino UNO Original
- Arduino UNO (Clone) - Arduino UNO Clone
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
Very simple way to send a gcode file on the command line to a printer/cnc
machine that uses the common ok
and error
feedback lines after each
block as 'flow control'.
It sends gcode line-by-line, removing CRLF line-endings and just sends LF
(otherwise Grbl gets confused). Waits for the acknowledging ok
before sending
the next line; provides a simple continue/stop user interaction when it
encounters an error
No claim to be complete, just useful for my local Marlin-based 3D printers and Grbl-based CNC.
./gcode-cli <gcode-file> [connection-string]
Connection string is comprised of device-name and an optional
bit-rate directly separated with a comma.
These are valid connection strings; notice the 'b' prefix for the bit-rate:
Available bit-rates are one of [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800]
./gcode-cli file.gcode /dev/ttyACM0,b115200