Organizational Web Application (React App)
This project is a client side React application utlizing Redux for state managment. On this site users can sign up for a personal account where they can create board to store important notes about that board's topic. The client side application makes requests to a server endpoint with a noSQL database where all the information is stored. (github link for that is here.)
Link to project: vist here
Tech used: React, Redux, TailwindCSS, React Router, Axios, HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Optimizations: In the future I would like to add addtional options ot schemas so that users can change colors of the site as personalization. Add a forgot password option to help with recovery for authentication. Add a Rich text editor for notes.
Things Learned: In this project I learned a great deal about Redux and the interactions between react application for sending and retriving data.
Working on adding a video here so people do not need to make an account to see functionality!