rust-playground is a collection of multiple projects I have worked on, while learning Rust. They advance from basics and descend steadily deeper into more complex features of the runtime.
- avg: A tiny program utilizing OOP to calculate the arithmetic average value.
- bloody song: A program displaying lyrics of a bloody Christmas song using smart repetitions.
- blogger: A simple OOP-based interface for writing blog posts.
- bricks: A small program to build a wall with bricks.
- company directory: A simple program using a hash map to store employees by departments.
- fibonacci: A Fibonacci series generator.
- file handler: A simple dialog allowing to delete a file, create it from scratch or append content to existing file.
- first word: A program disassembling the first and the last words of a sentence.
- forest: A program drawing node trees, where each node can held multiple children and each child can held a weak reference to the parent (memory safe without reference cycles).
- guessing game: Initial project about an interactive guess a number game.
- gui: A simple project mocking a GUI library.
- ip address: My implementation of IP v4 and IP v6.
- lin alg: A simple program overriding standard arithmetic operations for a custom type Point.
- maths: A program calculating mean, median, mode and standard deviation given a vector of integers.
- messenger: A program using a custom trait and implementing it.
- minigrep: A command-line tool like GNU grep.
- pig latin: A program converting an input text to pig latin.
- restaurant: First project using multiple crates and modules, using both a lib and a bin crate. It mocks a restaurant with specified menu, limited capacity, and a revenue expectation.
- tasker: A simple multi-threaded application.
- temp conv: A simple interactive temperature converter (°C to °F and vice versa).
- www: A multi-threaded web server using own thread pool implementation.
- zoo: A program using super traits and the new type pattern to implement them.