Hello, This is Sarthak Ranjan, a final year undergrad student majoring in Computer Science 💻. This repo is for portfolio site you can use it make yours too.PLease Upload your Amazing Porfolios.If we get 100 starts i will do a swag Giveaway
Fork this repo. You can fork the repo by clicking "fork" button on top-right corner.
Clone it on your local machine by simply clicking green "code" button and copying the given link.
Copy this link and open command prompt and switch to the location you want to save the project and run
git clone https://github.com/<your username>/AmazingPoftfolios
Add your changes or features.
Before pushing the code run following command to avoid merge conflicts
git remote add upstream https://github.com/sarthaknerd/Poftfolio.git git fetch upstream git pull upstream master
Stage all the changes using
git add .
Add commit message and push the changes
git commit -m "<your message here>" git push <remote name> <branch name>
Then go to the main repo from where the project is forked and go into Pull Request tab.
Click New Pull Request button.
Select the branch from forked repo you have contributed to and want to merge to the main repo and click Create Pull Request.
And bam!:fire: thats it.