[YouTube, Video Transcript, Slides]
Author: Sari Saba-Sadiya
For students in cse440 introduction for artificial intellegence, Fall 2021.
As seen in class, the perceptron is a simplified model of a biological neuron that can learn to perform classification tasks. While relatively simple, these classifiers perform surprisingly well even on non-trivial tasks such as hand written digit recognition and tumor classification.
Complete the weight update function for the binary perceptron class (in assignment/perceptron_binary.ipynb)
This assignment will walk you through the implementation and testing of a multiclass perceptron classifier.
|-> perceptronCensored.ipynb : initial code.
|-> cse440Perceptron.pdf : The assignment guide.
To view the code use: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/sari-saba-sadiya/Perceptron-Models/blob/master/perceptronCensored.ipynb