5GPencil Simulator is able to synthesize the pencil beams for each gNB and to evaluate the overall impact in terms of EMF exposure and UE throughput levels over the territory under consideration.
- Matlab: Minium version tried MATLAB Version: (R2018b) Update 7 Also tried on MATLAB Version: (R2020b) Update 1
- Matlab Toolbox List:
- Simulink
- DSP System Toolbox
- Mapping Toolbox
- Optimization Toolbox
- Phased Array System Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Symbolic Math Toolbox
The project is composed by the following files
- grid_generator.m
The goal of this module is to define the cells layout and to generate
- the 'Deployment spots' (points where the beam will be directed) and
- the 'Measure spots' (points that measure the power density and the electric field)
- simulator_5GPencil.m
This module is the core of the project that is the simulator.
The simulator has 4 goals:
- Synthesizing the beams, aimed at the deployment spots defined in the previous module;
- Generating each user within a circular area of diameter epsilon (localization uncertainty) inside each deployment spot;
- Computing SINR and throughput over users and deployment spots
- Computing the contribution in terms of electromagnetic field over the serving cell, which is the central one surrounded by 6 cells.
Run grid_generator.m with
NOTE: default radius is set to 100 meters, and it represents the radius of the cell, you can change it by changingr
variable. In this step you are generating the measurement spots in the whole central cell. In order to limit the computational complexity, the plots are deactivated by default, but you can activate them by imposingplot_on=1;
NOTE: whenever you change cell radius you have to repeat step 1. -
Run grid_generator.m with
Now you generate the deployment spot. At the end of these two steps, 4 files are generated (needed for next step):- layout.mat: contains the basic configuration: gNBs, cells and sectors
- useful_spot.mat: contains all points
- measure.mat: containing all measurement spots
- deploy.mat: containing all deploy spots
Run simulator_5GPencil.m Default setting:
measure_on=1; %1 to enable computation of emf, 0 to turn off fixed_emf = 0; %1 to enable computation of emf when no beamforming is used plot_on=0; %1 to enable plot, 0 to disable NLOS_on=1; %1 for NLOS, 0 for LOS int_intrasec=1; %1 to consider intrasector interference, 0 to disable fig_style=1; %to enable plot of user tolerance areas accuracy=2; %diameter (m) of area around deploy spot in which the UE is deployed
NOTE: In lines 178 and 179 you can choose to set az3dB equal to 65° or 90° respectively and in lines 209 and 210 you can choose to set el3dB equal to 65° or 7° respectively.
At the end of these steps, the following files are generated:
- deploy_comp.mat: all the deployment spots with their infos
- user_comp.mat: all the users with their info
- fixed_emf_data.mat all measure spots with their info when No-Beamforming option is on
- angle_3dB.mat: the azimuth and elevation 3dB angles for each beam of each sector
- emf_data.mat: all measure spots with their info
Moreover there is a directory "Data" in which the following files will be saved: emf<accuracy>.mat
(for example: emf2.mat or emf16.mat) this file contains the avg emf and the emf confidence interval.
NOTE for macOS users: all backslashes should be changed with forward slashes, because of Linux-friendly notation. For example line 649 should be changed as follows:
Main contributors:
- Simone Rossetti simone.rossetti@cnit.it
- Sara Saida sara.saida@cnit.it
Other contributors:
- Matteo Arciuli marciuli96@gmail.com
- Luca Chiaraviglio luca.chiaraviglio@uniroma2.it