A storage system to store all necessary documents in an organised manner using MERN Stack.
- Home Page
- Login / Signup
- Route handling
- Admin can manage users role and status
- Admin can upload, delete,and download any documents from any cell.
- Users can upload, delete, and download documents only from those cells whom they have access.
- Recent uploads and own uploads section
Authentication system using express, passport (local strategy)
- 1000 - successful
- 1001 - invalid credential
- 503 - server error
This application was developed using NodeJs with express for routing. MongoDB was used as database. The frontend was built with the react framework.
- Clone the project repository.
- Run git clone https://github.com/saquibshaikh14/college-util.
- Run 'cd college-util' in the terminal.
- Run the following command in the /backend folder to install all dependencies
npm install
npm start
In the /client folder, run
npm install
npm start
Run update command to get all the updated dependencies.
npm update
npm install will load /node_modules.