- Purpose: To support insertion, deletion and search in average-case constant time.
- Assumption: Order of elements is irrelevant.
Hash function
: Hash["string key"] ==> Integer value.- Key Components:
- Hash Function.
- Hash Table.
- Collision Handling Scheme.
- Hash table is an array of fixed size(table size).
- The elements of the array are indexed by a key, which is mapped to an array index( 0 to tablesize-1).
- Insertion: T[h(key)]= value;
- Deletion: T[h(key)] = NULL;
- Search: return T[h(key)];
- Collision can't be avoided but it's chance can be reduced using a good hash function.
- A good hash function should has the properties:
- Reduced chance of collision- Distribute keys uniformly over table.
- Should be fast to compute.
- Open Chaining- Separate Chaining
- Closed Hashing- Open Addressing
- Linear Probing
- Quadratic Probing
- Double Hashing
- Implemented using Linked list.
- Key k is stored in list at T[h(k)].
- Class implementation.
- Insertion.
- Print.
- Rehashing.
- Searching.
: Increase the table size as number of elements increases.- Load Factor > Threshold.
- Create a table of 2x size.
- Shift elemets.
- Delete old table.
Load factor
= Current size/Table size
Given a string and a pattern, find minimum window in the string such that it contains all the elements of the pattern.
Given Cartesian co-ordinate, find how many right angled triangles are there such that the perpendicular and base is parallet to x or y axis. *