PS-GZip Module is a set of PowerShell functions designed to compress and expand strings and files using the GZipStream Class.
See the Docs folder for details on each function.
Requires PowerShell 5.1 and above.
- Compressing a String
PS /> Compress-GzipString 'Hello world!'
- Expanding a Base64 GZip compressed String
PS /> Expand-GzipString H4sIAAAAAAAACvNIzcnJVyjPL8pJUQQAlRmFGwwAAAA=
Hello world!
- An example using Bacon Ipsum API
# Thanks :D
$loremIp = Invoke-RestMethod '¶s=100&start-with-lorem=1&format=text'
$compressedLoremIp = Compress-GzipString $loremIp
@{ Expanded = $loremIp; Compressed = $compressedLoremIp }.GetEnumerator() |
Select-Object @{ N='Type'; E={ $_.Key }}, @{ N='Length'; E={ $_.Value.Length }}
Type Length
---- ------
Compressed 13624
Expanded 45033
(Expand-GzipString $compressedLoremIp) -eq $loremIp # => # Should be True
- Compressing a File
PS /> $temp = New-TemporaryFile
PS /> 'Hello world!' | Set-Content $temp
PS /> Compress-GzipFile $temp -DestinationPath test.gz
PS /> Remove-Item $temp
- Expanding a Gzip compressed File
PS /> Get-Item test.gz | Expand-GzipFile
Hello world!
PS /> Remove-Item test.gz