Covid provides the latest data on how the Pandemia has evolved globally and by country over/ All through Telegram.
Provide the latest data from the Pandemic situation worldwide. Start talking with Covid.
You can chat directly with the bot by searching for @mv_covid_bot on Telegram. Click here.)
To install this project on your own and create another bot with the same logic, please be sure to install and use:
- Ruby,
- Gems within Ruby,
- Heroku for deployment,
- Rspec for running tests.
- Fork this project into your local machine.
- Create a bot token here and include it on a .env file. Save the variable as 'TOKEN'.
- Open your project directory on your terminal
- Install gems by running "bundle install" on your terminal
- Run 'ruby bin/main.rb' on your terminal.
- Open Telegram and start talking with @mv_covid_bot
- The bot generates a main command menu by writing /start
- Follow the instructions.
Provide the main menu and the recent global numbers.
Share your location to get the stats from your country
Select the 'Select a specific country' to get a list of all of the current countries from which you can get data.
Type a country from the list and see its stats up to date.
This is a educational project as part of the Microverse Curriculum.
- Ruby version 2.6.5,
- Telegram/bot
- Covid API
- Rspec
- Run rspec for testing bot and covid_api classes. This will mainly test that each country has the data with no problem.
👤 Santiago Rodriguez
- Github: @santiagorodriguezbermudez
- Twitter: @srba87
- Linkedin: @srba87
- Email:
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Special thanks to The Ocicats team from Microverse!
- Maria Reyes for making the suggestion to work with Telegram
- Ruby gem: Telegram Bot Ruby
Bot Icon of the virus by Arya Icons from the Noun Project This project is MIT licensed.