A KRunner plugin to view the current price of cryptocurrencies.
It works using CoinGecko API V3.
The configuration file is located in ~/.config/krunnercrypto/config.json
There are two things that must be configured:
Cryptocurrencies that are of interest. Results will only be shown for these cryptocurrencies.
Currencies to convert the cryptocurrencies to. (vs_currencies)
The cryptocurrencies that are of interest must have an entry in cryptocurrencies
as shown in the example. Where coingecko_id
is the id of the cryptocurrency in the CoinGecko API, name
is the name of the cryptocurrency, and short
is the short name for it.
The name
and short
of an entry are the terms that the plugin will recognize.
The desiered vs_currencies must be included in vs_currencies
as shown in the example. These can only be vs_currencies supported by CoinGecko API.
The following is the configuration which was used to create the screenshot above.
{ "cryptocurrencies" : [
{ "coingecko_id" : "bitcoin", "name" : "bitcoin", "short" : "btc" },
{ "coingecko_id" : "ethereum", "name" : "ethereum", "short" : "eth" },
{ "coingecko_id" : "solana", "name" : "solana", "short" : "sol" },
{ "coingecko_id" : "nano", "name" : "nano", "short" : "nano" }
"vs_currencies" : [ "usd", "eur", "btc", "gbp" ]
Launch KRunner and type the name
or short
of one of the cryptocurrencies that have been configured. The runner will show the price of said cryptocurrency in the configured vs_currencies.
Ubuntu/Debian: (Ubuntu >= 20.10 required)
sudo apt install cmake extra-cmake-modules build-essential libkf5runner-dev gettext
sudo pacman -S cmake extra-cmake-modules
sudo dnf install cmake extra-cmake-modules kf5-ki18n-devel kf5-krunner-devel gettext
sudo zypper install cmake extra-cmake-modules libQt5Core5 libqt5-qtlocation-devel ki18n-devel krunner-devel gettext-tools
- Install dependencies
- Clone this repository
- Run install.sh
- naraesk/krunner-translator this project was really useful as a reference about consuming a REST API with Qt libraries.
- alex1701c/JetBrainsRunner this project was useful as a reference about the dependencies needed to compile/install the plugin in different distributions.