Belly Button Biodiversity Dashboard Assignment
A dynamic dashboard where a user interacts to selected the Test Subject and view relevant data for each subject dynamically.
- Created a Belly Button Biodiversity Dashbord
- Displays a list to select a subject
- The Dashboard displays the selected subjects Demographics and the data as Horizontal bar and bubble charts.
- The Dashborad also displays Top Ten OTU data fo rthe selected subject.
- A Gauge that displays the Belly button washing frequency.
- The Max Washing frequency for the dataset is 9 and
- The median is 2.
- The dashboard displays the values on the gauge and as text.
- The offset of this value from the datset median value is displayed with a Green triangle (+) and a Red traingle (-) values.
Note: A value of zero offset is displayed with a dash (-).
- The offset of this value from the datset median value is displayed with a Green triangle (+) and a Red traingle (-) values.