🌱 I’m currently learning Everythingggg
💬 Ask me about UI/UX design , Django & Reactjs
📫 How to reach me sanjeevani.lakade25@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I love watching Anime & reading Mangas!
🌱 I’m currently learning Everythingggg
💬 Ask me about UI/UX design , Django & Reactjs
📫 How to reach me sanjeevani.lakade25@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I love watching Anime & reading Mangas!
This is a dictionary app that allows users to search for word definitions. It is built using JavaScript and utilizes the DictionaryAPI to retrieve word definitions and related information.
This project uses Google Earth Engine's (GEE) platform to analyze deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. The analysis is based on the Hansen Global Forest Change dataset.
This is a simple drawing application built with JavaScript and HTML5 canvas.