anFS is a new filesystem that exploits activeosds to execute workflows within the storage. anFS provides a single file system atop a set of activeosds. The idea was published in the following papers:
Hyogi Sim, Geoffroy Vallee, Youngjae Kim, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Devesh Tiwari, and Ali R. Butt, "An Analysis Workflow-Aware Storage System for Multi-Core Active Flash Arrays," IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 271–285, Feb. 2019.
Hyogi Sim, Youngjae Kim, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Devesh Tiwari, Ali Anwar, Ali R. Butt, and Lavanya Ramakrishnan, "AnalyzeThis: An Analysis Workflow-Aware Storage System," in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), New York, NY, USA, 2015
anFS is based on the autotools and can be built using the following steps:
shell $ cd anfs
shell $ ./
shell $ ./configure --prefix=/install/path --with-libosd=/path/to/libosd/
shell $ make