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A program that mimics a parallel application's checkpoint/restart behavior on a system with redundant compute nodes.


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    The program in this directory, copyrighted and licensed under
    the name app_model, mimics a parallel application's cycles
    of performing work, saving occasional checkpoints, getting
    interrupted, restarting, redoing lost work, and continuing this
    sequence until it has completed the number of work hours specified
    at the beginning.  It has many command line options that control
    the timing of this cycle, when and how often the application
    gets interrupted, and the configuration of the system it runs on.

    The program was designed to study checkpoint/restart behavior
    and its impact on total execution time in light of redundant
    computing.  The program can mimic running an application on
    N nodes. A failure of any one of those N nodes leads to an
    application interrupt and a restart. It is possible to specify
    that some or all of the N nodes have a redundant partner node. If
    a node in such a pair faults, the application is not interrupted
    and continues to do work.  Only when both nodes in a pair fault,
    will the application take an interrupt and has to restart.

    Using this program we found that for large-scale systems and
    the right conditions, it is sometimes worthwhile to use twice
    as many nodes to get a certain amount of work done in much
    less than half the time. The Sandia Technical report 2009-6753
    documents some of our early findings and describes this program.

    The program currently only mimics coordinated checkpoint/restart
    and has some other limitations, such as no more than one
    redundant node for each active node.  We are working on
    several extensions and improvements. please contact us if you
    are interested.

    For comments and questions, please contact the author: Kurt
    Fereirra <>

    The included Makefile should build the code on most Unix
    systems. It has been tested on several Linux versions. The
    code requires the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).  Which is
    not always installed by default. You can obtain it from, if necessary.

    The Makefile creates an executable name two_step (as in two
    steps forward, one step back, mimicking an application's march
    towards completion ;-)

    The program understand the options below. None of them are
    mandatory. Long options; e.g., --soft_reboot, can be truncated
    as long as they are still distinct from all other options;
    e.g., --soft.

    -w, --work_time HOURS
	The application will complete work for that many hours
	on each node (weak scaling).  Default is 168 hours (one
	week). The elapsed time of the application will be higher due
	to checkpoint/restart overhead and application interrupts.

    -n, --num_bundles NUM
	Number of nodes the application runs on. Default is 512
	nodes. These are the nodes an application "sees", and does
	not include any redundant nodes that would not be visible
	to the application.

    -r, --redundant NUM
	Number of redundant nodes: 0...N, where N is the number of
	bundles (-n) selected.	0 means no redundant computing at
	all, and N means each node in the system has a redundant
	partner. Values in between are acceptable if an application
	is run in partial redundant mode. Default is no redundant
	nodes (0).

    -v, --verbose
	This option may be repeated for increased verbosity. Mostly
	useful for debugging and to observe the inner workings of
	the program.

    --distribution DIST
	Selects the random distribution function for the fault
	generator. DIST can be exp (default), gamma, or weibull.

    --scale a
	Set the scale parameter for the Weibull and gamma
	distribution. The default s 43800.000 hours.

    --shape b
	Set the shape parameter for the gamma and weibull
	distribution.  The default shape parameter b is 0.5 and
	must be > 0.

    -s, --seed
	Use a fixed seed for the random number generator. This
	is useful to repeat experiments with the same start
	conditions. Without this option, a random seed based on the
	current time and PID of the process is used, which results
	in different results for each run.

    -c, --checkpoint_time MINUTES
	Amount of time needed to checkpoint an application. Default
	is 5 minutes.  This is currently fixed, although it should
	vary with application size and the I/O characteristics of
	the system.

    -R, --restart_time MINUTES
	Time to restart and application. Default is 10 minutes. The
	program currently assumes that the application is restarted
	right away after an interrupt and spends this many minutes
	reading in the last successful checkpoint. Wait time in
	a batch queue is not considered here. After this restart
	time, any work lost since the previous checkpoint is redone
	before the regular work phase can be entered again.  This is
	currently fixed, although it should vary with application
	size and the I/O characteristics of the system.

    -t, --tau MINUTES
	Checkpoint interval; i.e., the elapsed time before the
	next checkpoint is written. Unless specified, this time is
	computed using Daly's equation for the optimum checkpoint

    -m, --mtbf_node HOURS
	The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of a single
	node. Default is 5 years (43800 hours).  It is assumed
	that the MTBF and failure characteristics is the same for
	all nodes.

    --mtbf_sys HOURS
	The system MTBF is calculated by default and used for
	comparison at the end of the simulation. This is the MTBF of
	the system; i.e., the time between faults. The application
	may have a larger MTBF, if redundant nodes are used.

    -a, --mtbf_app HOURS
	By default the application MTBF is calculated based on the
	node MTBF. It is used to calculate the optimal checkpoint
	interval. This is the time between interrupts the application
	experiences, which may be different from the system MTBF,
	if redundant nodes are used.  If provided, it will override
	node MTBF for that calculation. The node MTBF will still
	be used for the random fault generator.

    -d, --delay_ras MINUTES
	Multiple faults within this time count as one. Sometimes
	multiple components fail at nearly the same time, or
	cause other failures.  This option allows the cumulation
	of all faults within this time interval into a single
	event. Individual faults are still reported at the
	end, but the application does not go through a full
	restart/rework/interrupt cycle for each one of them.

    --finterrupts FILENAME
	For each application interrupt write the interrupt time
	(in hours since application start) and the number of faults
	since the last interrupt. If no redundant nodes are present,
	each fault leads to an interrupt. Specifying "-" directs
	output to stdout.

    --ffaults FILENAME
	For each node fault write the fault time (in hours since
	application start) to the specified file.  Specifying "-"
	directs output to stdout.

    --soft_reboot <success>,<reboot time>
	By default failed nodes are not reused. With this option
	it is possible to reboot nodes after each fault. The
	probability that they reboot successfully and can be
	reintegrated into the computation can be specified in the
	range 0%...100%.  It takes a certain number of minutes
	for a node to reboot. Both values must be specified. E.g.,
	--soft_reboot 50,10 specifies that on average half of the
	nodes can be reintegrated (50%), and it takes 10 minutes
	for each node to boot. If the other node receives a fault
	during those 10 minutes, the bundle, and the application will
	fail. After the 10 minutes and a successful re-integration,
	redundancy is restored.

	Short information about the command line options.

    --input FILENAME
	Instead of letting a random number generator create node
	faults, application interrupts can be read from an input
	file. The file should have three values per line: The time,
	in seconds from application start, when the interrupt occurs;
	the node that causes the interrupt; and a string describing
	the error. The fields are separated by white space.

	The node number is checked but not further used. The fault
	description string must be present, but is ignored. This
	format was chosen to make it easy to process fault logs
	that can be found on the Internet. They may need to be
	pre-processed, but can be easily converted into the format
	required here.

    -p, --performance
	Display performance data about the simulation itself.

    A typical run and its output are shown here. The line by line
    explanation is below.

    00	./two_step -n 100000 -r 100000 -w 720 -p
    01		Version 1.005
    02		Command line "./two_step -n 100000 -r 100000 -w 720 -p"
    04		  Active nodes                 100000
    05		  Redundant nodes              100000
    06		  Total nodes                  200000
    07		  Checkpoint duration            5.00 minutes
    08		  Restart duration              10.00 minutes
    09		  Work to be done              720.00 hours
    10		  Node MTBF                  43800.00 hours
    11		  File for interrupt times            ""
    12		  File for fault times                ""
    13		  Seed for pseudo random generator    random
    14		  Fault distribution:                 exponential
    15		  RAS delay                      0.00 minutes
    16		  Soft reboot time                    not used
    19		  System MTBF                    0.22 hours (13.140 minutes)
    20		  Application MTBI             122.90 hours (7373.718 minutes)
    21		  Checkpoint interval            4.47 hours (268.223 minutes)
    22		  Faults/interrupt             561.17
    23		WARNING: checkpoint + restart time > system MTBF! This may take quite a while.
    26		  Application completed        720.00 hours of work (100.00% of work to be done)
    27		  Elapsed time                 740.25 hours (Overhead is  2.81%)
    28		  Total restart time             0.67 hours      (  0.09%)
    29		  Total rework time              6.17 hours      (  0.83%)
    30		  Total work time              720.00 hours      ( 97.26%)
    31		  Total checkpoint time         13.42 hours      (  1.81%)
    32		  Total RAS delay                0.00 hours      (  0.00%)
    33		    -----------------------------------------------------
    34		    Totals                     740.25 hours      (100.00%)
    36		  Number of restarts:            4    Failed:          0
    37		  Number of rework:              4    Failed:          0
    38		  Number of work segments:     162    Failed:          4
    39		  Number of checkpoints:       161    Failed:          0
    40		    ----------------------------------------------------
    41		                                      Fails:           4
    42		                                      Interrupts:      4
    44		  Faults:                     3364
    45		  Failed nodes:               3364    Repaired:     3088 (276 nodes to be repaired after app completion)
    46		  Successful soft reboots:       0    Failed:          0 (0.00%)
    47		  Avg faults per int:      841.000,   49.87% over calculated 561.17
    48		  System MTBF                    0.22 hours (13.203 minutes), 0.48% over calculated 0.22 hours
    49		  App. MTBI                    185.06 hours (11103.783 minutes), 50.59% over calculated 122.90 hours
    50		  Modeled elapsed time         748.19 hours (44891.581 minutes), 1.07%, over simulated 740.25 hours
    53		  Generated 203092 random numbers and 0 random probabilities
    54		  Calls to rMPI() 5
    55		  Read 0 faults from input file, accepted 0 (0.00%)
    56		  Time to model this application:  0h:00m:0.015353

    Line by line description.
    Line 00  The executable is called two_step. No command line
	     options are mandatory.

    Line 01  Version of the executable.

    Line 02  Capture the command line given.

    Line 03  Starting here is a list of parameters. These are either
	     defaults or were specified on the command line.

    Line 04  The number of bundles being simulated.

    Line 05  The total number of redundant nodes, in addition to
	     the active nodes in each bundle.

    Line 06  The total number of nodes: active nodes + redundant

    Line 07  The time necessary to write a checkpoint.

    Line 08  The time necessary to restart an application.

    Line 09  The amount of work to be done (on each node).

    Line 10  The node MTBF.

    Line 11  File name to write interrupt times and number of
             faults. "" means no output will be generated.

    Line 12  File name to write fault times. "" means no output
             will be generated.

    Line 13  Seed used for pseudo random generator. Either "random"
             or "fixed".

    Line 14  Random number distribution. Exponential, Gamma,
	     or Weibull.

    Line 15  Time interval within which all faults are considered
             to be simultaneous. If > 0 avoids an application restart
             for each interrupt, if they are only a few seconds apart.

    Line 16  Time to reboot a node after a fault and probability
	     of a successful re-integration.

    Line 18  Calculated values from the parameters known so far.

    Line 19  Estimated system MTBF; i.e., time between node faults.

    Line 20  Estimated application MTBF; i.e., time between
             application interrupts.

    Line 21  Calculated (optimal) checkpoint interval, based on
	     Daly's equation.

    Line 22  Estimated faults per application interrupt.

    Line 23  A (false in this case) warning that the simulation may require
	     longer than usual.

    Line 25  Following are the observed values after the simulation
             has completed.

    Line 26  The amount of work completed. Should always be 100%.

    Line 27  The elapsed time, which includes work, checkpoints,
             restarts, and redoing of lost work.

    Line 28  Time and percentage spent in restart phase.

    Line 29  Time and percentage spent in rework (lost work) phase.

    Line 30  Time and percentage spent in work phase. Should be
             number of work hours specified on command line
             (or default).

    Line 31  Time and percentage spent check-pointing.

    Line 32  Time and percentage spent waiting for fault bursts to
             pass (-d option). (Not well tested.)

    Line 34  Total should be equal to elapsed time and 100%.

    Line 36  Number of restarts and how many of those failed.

    Line 37  Number of rework phases and how many of those failed.

    Line 38  Number of work phases and how many of those failed.

    Line 39  Number of checkpoints and how many of those failed.

    Line 41  The total of failed phases listed above. This and
	     the next line below should always match.

    Line 42  Number of interrupts the application experienced.

    Line 44  Total number of node faults the system experienced.

    Line 45  How many nodes failed during the entire
	     simulation. Should match the number of faults seen
	     above. The number of repaired nodes is the same, if
	     no redundant nodes are present. It might be less with
	     redundant nodes, since the application was running
	     with some broken nodes that can be repaired after the
	     run completes.

    Line 46  Statistics about rebooting nodes and re-integration.

    Line 47  Observed and calculated number of faults per interrupt.
             For non-redundant runs, this should always be 1.
	     The large mismatch between calculated and simulation is
	     due to the small number of total interrupts: only four
	     in this example.

    Line 48  Observed system MTBF and comparison to estimate above.

    Line 49  Observed application MTBF and comparison to estimate
             above. Again, off by quite a bit due to the low number
	     of interrupts.

    Line 50  Calculated elapsed time using Daly's model and
             comparison to simulation run.

    Line 52  Some performance data about the simulation
             itself. Triggered by the -p option.

    Line 53  Number random numbers generated (for faults) and number
             of random probabilities generated (for soft reboot

    Line 54  Number of calls to the rMPI() function.

    Line 55  How many faults (application interrupts) were read
             from the input file.

    Line 56  Wall-clock time of this simulation run.

    Some of the design of this program is described in the Sandia
    Technical report 2009-6753.  Here we briefly cover what each
    source file contains.

	Start of program, command line option processing, calculation
	of optimal checkpoint interval, and output of the initial
	parameters (banner). Also opens input and output files,
	if necessary.

    app.c, app.h
	Basically a state machine that cycles between work,
	checkpoint, restart, and rework until all the work has been
	done. It calls rMPI to determine when the next application
	interrupt will occur.

    rMPI_model.c, rMPI_model.h
	Figure out which node dies next and when, and whether it
	kills the application.

    phases.c, phases.h
	Handle each phase of the state machine in app.c. Calculate
	how long each phase takes, whether a checkpoint needs
	to be written, and whether the phase is cut short by an
	application interrupt.

    report.c, report.h
	Print out the final report after the simulation. Includes
	calculations to compare against estimates before the

    data_structs.c, data_structs.h
	Data structure to manage nodes and their state.

    globals.c, globals.h
	Global variables that are shared among several files and

    input.c, input.h
	Functions to read interrupt times from an input file.

    rnd.c, rnd.h
	Compute next node failure time and other random number
	related functions.

    timing.c, timing.h
	Calculate running time of the simulation.

    app_model, version 1.0 - a program that mimics a parallel
    application's checkpoint/restart behavior on a system with
    redundant compute nodes.

    Copyright 2009 - 2011 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms
    of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the
    U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.

    This program has been released into the public domain using
    the GNU General Public License Version 3: you can redistribute
    it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    file LICENSE in this directory for a copy of the GPL 3.


A program that mimics a parallel application's checkpoint/restart behavior on a system with redundant compute nodes.








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