Samgrah is a simple Library Management System built using Ruby on Rails.
At this moment, the primary purpose is to use this project as a training ground in Samyukti. In future we may consider to develop this as a full-fledged application.
Install Ruby on Rails. Probably is an easy way to do it.
Install PostgreSQL. Refer
Clone this repository into your computer
cd ~
mkdir -p Code
cd Code
git clone Samgrah
Configure the PostgreSQL database
create user samgrah with encrypted password 'samgrah';
alter user samgrah createdb;
create database samgrah;
create database samgrah_dev;
create database samgrah_test;
alter database samgrah owner to samgrah;
alter database samgrah_dev owner to samgrah;
alter database samgrah_test owner to samgrah;
Install the dependencies
cd Samgrah
bundle install
Configure the application
cd config
mv database.example.yml database.yml
mv secrets.example.yml secrets.yml
rake secret
Update secrets.yml with the string generated from "rake secret".
Reset the database
rake db:reset
Load default settings
rake db:settings
Populate demo data
rake db:history
Start the application in development mode
rails server