- Diana Freitas, up201806230
- Diogo Samuel Fernandes, up201806250
- Hugo Guimarães, up201806490
Ball Sort Puzzle is a color sorting game, in which the balls must be sorted in the tubes until all the balls of the same color are stacked together in the same tube. A ball can only be placed on top of another ball if both of them have the same color and if the tube has enough space.
We used python version 3.8.9 on Windows.
pip install gym
pip install stable_baselines3
You can also config the project with our setup.py instead of running these pip commands. Create a virtual env (if you want)
On Windows, run:
python -m venv iart
On Unix or MacOS, run:
python -m venv iart
source iart/bin/activate
After that, install all dependecies using:
pip install .
Now you're ready! To run our program, run in the terminal:
python main.py [ALGORITHM] [CONFIG] [-verbose -plot]
python3 main.py [ALGORITHM] [CONFIG] [-verbose -plot]
qlearning sarsa dqlearning ppo
Create a configuration file under the ./config directory (or use one of). The config files have the following layout if you're using one of the following algorithms: [qlearning, dqlearning, sarsa] You can also use one of your config file, by passing "level1.json" without quotes.
"board" : [[1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0]],
"bottle_size" : 3,
"num_bottles" : 3,
"param" : {
"num_episodes" : 100000,
"max_steps_per_episode" : 20,
"learning_rate" : 0.1,
"discount_rate" : 0.95,
"exploration_rate" : 1,
"max_exploration_rate" : 1,
"min_exploration_rate" : 0.001,
"exploration_decay_rate" : 0.001
If you want to use ppo, the layout of the config file should be the following. You can also use our config file "level1-ppo.json".
"board" : [[1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0]],
"max_steps" : 20,
"param" : {
"learning_rate" : 0.003,
"clip_range" : 0.2,
"gamma" : 0.99,
"gae_lambda" : 0.95,
"ent_coef" : 0.0,
"max_grad_norm" : 0.5,
"vf_coef" : 0.5,
"num_cpu" : 4,
"num_episodes" : 100000
- -verbose
- -render
- -plot
We recommend use the options: '-verbose -plot'
Use QLearning with the definitions of level1.json with plot and verbose
python main.py qlearning level1.json -verbose -plot
Use Sarsa with the definitions of level1.json with plot, verbose and render
python main.py sarsa level1.json -verbose -render -plot