This module is used to configure simple Dockerized agent nodes for use in training. Unless you are taking a course to learn puppet, this is probably not the module you are looking for.
That being said, you're welcome to poke through it and see how we set things up.
include dockeragent
# This will manage 5 containerized agents.
range(1,5).each |$n| {
dockeragent::node { "agent${n}.${::fqdn}":
ports => ["${n}0080:80"],
One thing that containerized agents are sometimes used for is simulating the load of running an environment against a Puppet master. To facilitate that, we've included a handful of very simple sample testing profiles. They don't really do anything useful other than provide the master with a reasonable, if small, catalog to compile.
node default {
include dockeragent::sample::wordpress
include dockeragent::sample::vhosts
The modules used by these classes are not set as dependencies, so they will not
be installed automatically by puppet module install
. If you want to use them,
you'll want to install them separately:
- Requirements for
- Requirements for
- Future parser or Puppet 4.x
For a module intended to be used for load testing the Puppet master, see
This project is a fork of puppetlabs/pltraining-dockeragent. All changes up to 014e17a253817d91b5976d88b9c6784ff28e7c41 (including those made by me) should be attributed to puppelabs. All subsequent updates are my own or are community contributions to this project. -Josh Samuelson