Easily start building your React component library using this opinionated boilerplate.
What's included:
- Rollup and Babel for generating a bundle of your library in ES5
- Storybook for testing the UI of your component interactively
- Prettier, ESLint, and Stylelint for code formatting/linting
- Sass and Autoprefixer support for simple styling
My boilerplate for React applications can be found here.
To use this boilerplate for creating your own library, execute the following commands (and replace my-library
with the name of your library):
git clone https://github.com/samuelmeuli/react-library-boilerplate my-library
Clean up the files from this repository and install the dependencies:
cd my-library
rm -rf .git README.md
yarn install
Execute the start script to bundle your library and start your development server:
yarn start
Finally, open http://localhost:3000 to see your component in action.