Workshopper is a workshop utility that aids in running interactive workshops by providing a nice user experience encapsulating your workshop's code base.
The future of the workshopper application is have a utility anyone can install and pull in from a vast pool of workshops built to support the workshopper. The workshopper allows not only for a unified experience of your audience but also the ability for your audience to YOYO (You own your own) their learning after the workshop is done.
The workshopper is a NPM package you just install globally on your machine.
Ensure you have either NPM or Yarn is installed on your computer.
For npm users to install worshopper, run:
npm install -g @akitecht/workshopper
For yarn users to install workshopper, run:
yarn add --global @akitecht/workshopper
Once you have workshopper installed on your computer globally, you can now pull in any workshop and start off.
To install a new workshop you need the github url of the repo and run the following command:
workshopper start [GITHUB_URL]
To list our the chapters of the workshop, run:
workshopper chapters
To open a specific chapter of the workshop, run:
workshopper open [CHAPTER]
The chapter name reference here can be retrieved from the list of chapters
To run your submission for an excercise in the workshop, run:
workshopper run [SUBMISSION_FILE]
To verify your submission for an excercise in the workshop, run:
workshopper verify [SUBMISSION_FILE]
Here is an example journey for a user using workshopper.
The user here has yarn installed but you can always use npm, refer to the installation instructions for npm installation.
# Install the workshopper globally
yarn add --global workshopper
# Pull in your workshop
workshopper start
# List out the various chapters for the workshop
workshopper chapters
# Select a specific chapter of the workshop
workshopper open hi-to-the-console
# Run your submission to see it's outputs
workshopper run example-file.js
# Verfiy your submission
workshopper verify example-file.js
To configure your workshop to be compatible with the workshopper, your workshop requires
1. Branches Chapters in the workshopper are defined by the branches of the repository, so be purposeful about the branch naming as that will be the name for the various chaptes for you workshop.
2. Make start
For each branch on your workshop you need to support the make start
command and have this command echo out raw markdown as the
introduction to your chapter and instructions for completing the workshop chapter.
3. Make run
For each branch on your workshop you need to support the make run
command and have the command receive the path to the submission
file to run for the chapter. This is highly dependent on the workshop's branch excercise.
4. Make verify
For each branch on your workshop you need to support the make verify
command and have the command receive the path to your
submission file to verify that the excercise as pertaining to the chapter has been done correctly.
Thank you for your urge to contribute to the workshopper project. Please find the contribution instructions in the CONTRIBUTING file.