A screensaver that plays a random video from a configured path on each screen. When each video finishes, it selects another at random to play.
Implemented in Golang.
powershell build.ps1
A basic installer is built that will install the dependencies into a folder and write a couple of registry entries.
To test it:
out/VideoScreensaver.scr /S
To configure it:
out/VideoScreensaver.scr /C
Screensavers are regular executables that need to handle a small number of command-line arguments and have the correct semantics to exit on interaction. We do not use the functions in scrnsave.lib, but handle the command-line arguments instead.
The only awkward case to handle is being given an HWND
to use as a parent window for previewing the screensaver. This works but makes the code somewhat uglier in the current implementation.