Portfolio (during college): https://sammanthp007.github.io
Links to all my projects created during undergrad years (or My Actual Portfolio):
- The final submitted product - At&t hackathon in week two of freshman year. Learnt to make a web form and send a text message using Datadipity api. The dude from Datadipity went nuts seeing how hopeless we were. (I had never heard of Javascript before this)
- Caesar Cipher
- Get recommendation for healthiness scored food (from restaurant's menu) around you
- MIPS hw 1
- Heapsort in MIPS
- Diffie-Hellman, RSA public-private, and mod arth
- Gringotts: Online bank for non-muggles - Used CapitolOne's
apis during a hackathon - Sunshine today: Weather app for Pebble watches
- Youtube Video Medley Random maker - Created during Hoyahack 2016. Team result working with Prajjwal Dangal (dai)
- Coding practice to get into Google/Facebook - Flunked tech interviews with both + Uber + Twitter :( Finally got into Yahoo and Genentech (and into final round with Dropbox, which I stopped pursuing)
- Tinder, but for matching Business schoold students and comp sci coders - Won the hackathon. Ionic + Pebble app
- Navicopter: DroneOS - Used TM4C126EXL launchpad as controller
- PokemonGoBot - find nearest searched pokemon using twitter - Tried out using Twitter's api for Yahoo's hackathon. Partnerd with Adi Raju
- FreeFoodFeed Private - Wrote the idea for the very first project in Freshman year (the AT&T hackathon one) in Django and was usable. I got into a couple of free food events using the app in my Sophomore year.
- MetroDC: Finds the nearest metro in DC - A Pebble App. Was available in the Pebble app store until the pebble app store died.
- NerdLuv, where meek geeks meet; Code for the project is here
- All my notes from Junior years is here - Also checkout the wiki
- Stock Prediction using KNN
- Coding exercises
- Network and Programming homeworks
- All assignments for Codepath Web Security class - These projects were all super cool.
- Structure of Programming Language Scheme - functional language practice and hw
- Database class final project - Learnt nothing in this stupid class and to relearn everything from scratch later
- Maintenance Project - SWE class - A stupid assignment
- A repo called Samman's investment toolbox. Do not ask me why I called it that. It is practically empty
- Testing Javascript
- RTEMS multitasking
- Docker tutorial
- Socket Programming HW
- Simple UDP Server/Client implementation
- Genome Classification for Different Types of Cancer Private
- Configuring Gem5
- ARKit app: Mr. Meesheek - INCOMPLETE
- Comp Arch HW
- PianoFlashCard
- Jobo: Event Recommendation for Howard Uni
- Allegro Paws: Learn music Acumen
- Forked list of crypto academic papers - Why did I not invest a single penny in any Altcoin then :(
My Tmux Configuration - here My vimrc
The setting and window manager config I used when using ArchLinux and Qtile is here