Release 2.0.4-4:
Commits since 2.0.3:
a68fc17: 🤖 CI: Prerelease: 2.0.4-3 (GitHub Action) [compare]
3bdc396: Merge branch 'main' of github.com:saml-to/cli (Christian Nuss) [compare]
8fe3cdc: re-enable live teams ATs (Christian Nuss) [compare]
06e093c: Merge branch 'main' of github.com:saml-to/cli (Christian Nuss) [compare]
a79f413: disable live tests for teams (Christian Nuss) [compare]
95b6e44: Merge branch 'main' of github.com:saml-to/cli (Christian Nuss) [compare]
fdb5189: Merge branch 'main' of github.com:saml-to/cli (Christian Nuss) [compare]
f9879b4: acceptance tests for teams (nonlive) (Christian Nuss) [compare]