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This project showcases the process of streaming real-time cryptocurrency data using Kafka, storing the data in a MongoDB database, and visualizing the price trends over time with Python libraries like Matplotlib.

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Real-Time Cryptocurrency Data Analysis

📄 Project Overview

This project focuses on real-time cryptocurrency data analysis using Apache Kafka, MongoDB, and Streamlit for data visualization. The system fetches live cryptocurrency data from the CoinCap public API, processes it using Kafka, stores it in MongoDB, and visualizes the data to observe price fluctuations over time.

🛠️ Architecture

The project follows a Producer-Consumer pattern:

  • Producer: Continuously fetches cryptocurrency data from the API and publishes it to a Kafka topic.
  • Consumer: Consumes data from the Kafka topic, processes it using Apache Spark, and stores the processed data in MongoDB for further visualization.


🛠️ Technologies Used

  • Python: Data fetching, processing, and programming.
  • Apache Kafka: Real-time data streaming.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing historical data.
  • CoinCap API: Source for live cryptocurrency data.
  • Pandas: Data analysis and manipulation.
  • Streamlit: Data visualization and plotting using Matplotlib.
  • Docker: For containerization of the application

⚙️ Setup with Docker

Run docker-compose up to start the services defined in the compose file

⚙️ Setup without Docker

Follow the steps below to set up the project on your local system:

Step 1: Download and Extract Kafka

tar -xvf kafka_2.12-3.8.1.tgz
cd kafka_2.12-3.8.1

Step 2: Start Zookeeper Server

bin/ config/

Step 3: Start Kafka Server

bin/ config/

Step 4: Create a Kafka Topic

bin/ --create --topic crypto-currency --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Step 5: Start Producer

bin/ --topic crypto-currency --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Step 6: Start Consumer

bin/ --topic crypto-currency --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning

Step 7: Install MongoDB

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community

Step 8: Streamlit

pip install streamlit
streamlit run


This project showcases the process of streaming real-time cryptocurrency data using Kafka, storing the data in a MongoDB database, and visualizing the price trends over time with Python libraries like Matplotlib.







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