- Check demo site how WordPress speaks.
- Original reference article - how to use wp.a11y.speak() function.
- More details in my article about WordPress speaking.
In this demo there are three places where you can see code examples.
In functions.php file we enqueue our JS code and add strings used in assets/scripts/filter-cities.js
Note that we are adding wp-a11y
as depency. It does all the magic.
// Load filtering JS with wp-a11y JS.
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-a11y-speak-filter', get_theme_file_uri( 'assets/scripts/filter-cities.js' ), array( 'wp-a11y' ), '20171008', true );
// Strings used in JS.
wp_localize_script( 'wp-a11y-speak-filter', 'WPA11ySpeakText', array(
'restUrl' => esc_url( rest_url( 'wp/v2/posts?per_page=50' ) ),
'successMessage1' => esc_html__( 'Filtering contacts was successful.', 'wp-a11y-speak' ),
'successMessage2' => esc_html__( 'Filtering categories was successful.', 'wp-a11y-speak' ),
) );
In assets/scripts/filter-cities.js file we have two examples:
- Filter cities from pre-made array.
- Filter posts by category using WordPress REST API.
In both examples main point is one line of code:
wp.a11y.speak( WPA11ySpeakText.successMessage1, 'assertive' )
This will handle how result is announced also for screen readers. In this case Filtering contacts was successful.
In template-parts/content-page.php file there are forms that handle the logic in the front-end.