$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.12
$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.5
$ aws --version
aws-cli/2.0.40 Python/3.8.5
$ node --version
$ elixir --version
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.0.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]
Elixir 1.10.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 23)
$ mix --version
Mix 1.10.4
$ mix phx.new --version
Phoenix v1.5.4
# clone repository
git clone git@github.com:samhstn/samhstn.git && cd samhstn
# install dependencies and run our tests and checks
MIX_ENV=test mix compile --force
MIX_ENV=test mix dialyzer
MIX_ENV=test mix sobelow --router lib/samhstn_web/router.ex --exit --skip
MIX_ENV=test mix format --check-formatted
mix test
# start the dev server
mix do compile, phx.server
Checkout the infra documentation for guidance.
To configure the pre-commit hook to run on every commit, run:
Our app runs in two stages:
- Building our mix release.
- Running the binary files from our mix release.
This can be achieved by setting up a .env
file with the following contents:
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=g+Li...Fi+trohKSao4VOv5BWkEXAMPLE
We can generate these access keys for our docker
IAM user in:
IAM Console > Security Credentials > Create access key
We can now replicate our application running in production with:
docker-compose up --build
Note: These IAM user credentials should be deleted after running Docker locally.