This script uses AutoHotkey (AHK) and Python to communicate with Google's Bard AI. The script takes user input and sends it to the AI for analysis. The AI generates a response, which is then displayed to the user in AHK.
Before running this script, you'll need to have the following installed:
AutoHotkey (version 2 or higher) You'll also need to have a Google API key to use the Bard AI. Instructions for obtaining an API key can be found in the Bard API documentation. You just need the session ID, access is free.
Go to
F12 for console Copy the values
To use this script, follow these steps:
Download the release file from GitHub. Open the Example.ahk script in AutoHotkey. Replace Token/Session ID on line 3 with your actual Google API key. The script will send your query to the Bard AI, which will generate a response. The response will be displayed in AHK.
#Include bard.ahk
For API access (2mins):
Go to
F12 for console Copy the values
Session: Go to Application → Cookies → . Copy the value of that cookie.__Secure-1PSID and paste into session_token
session_token := "xxxxxxxx."
Barder := Bard(session_token)
; instatiate Bard object, writes token to file. Waits for user to make ask or connect to open python exe
response := Barder.singleAsk("Whats the weather like in Fiji?")
; opens connection, asks the question, and upon response the connection to bard is closed. This is slower but less code. It also doesn't require disconnecting.
response := Barder.ask("Whats the average weather in Fiji?")
response := Barder.ask("How can I travel there?")
Connects to bard via python application. stays open until closed, and questions can be concurrent. This is faster for multiple q's as the connection is left open.
This project is based on the work of Alex Cheong. Thank you to Alex for creating the original Python script that this project is based on!