Script for controlling a Keithley 2220-30-1 DC power supply via SCPI commands sent via USB: is a command line script for setting the voltage and current, checking the status of the device, and monitoring the output values. is a GUI based on matplotlib which allows the user to change the voltage and current.
Information on the SCPI interface for the Keithley 2200 series devices can be found in this document
Install the python-usbtmc package:
pip install python-usbtmc
You will likely need to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-garmin.rules as root, adding this line:
UBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="VVVV", ATTR{idProduct}=="PPPP", MODE="666"
where VVVV and PPPP are the vendor and product id, and can be found by running
which yeilds this output:
Bus 001 Device 067: ID VVVV:PPPP Keithley Instruments
Once the file has been edited, restart udev with:
sudo udevadm trigger
usage: [-h] [-v1 VOLTAGE1] [-v2 VOLTAGE2] [-c1 CURRENT1]
[-c2 CURRENT2] [-s] [-o {off,on,keep}] [-f MACRO]
Program a Keithley 2220-30-1 DC power supply
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v1 VOLTAGE1, --voltage1 VOLTAGE1
Voltage setting for channel 1 in volts
-v2 VOLTAGE2, --voltage2 VOLTAGE2
Voltage setting for channel 2 in volts
-c1 CURRENT1, --current1 CURRENT1
Current setting for channel 1 in mA
-c2 CURRENT2, --current2 CURRENT2
Current setting for channel 2 in mA
-s, --status Display voltage and current settings
-o {off,on,keep}, --output {off,on,keep}
Enable/disable output
-f MACRO, --macro MACRO
A SCPI macro file
-l LINE, --line LINE A single command to send to the device
USB vendor and product IDs
-m FILE, --monitor FILE
Measure voltage, current, and power on all channels at
1Hz, writing to FILE
Clicking the "Measure" Button will refresh the measured voltage and current displayed in the red boxes.
Typing a number into the "Voltage" or "Current" field in the lower half of the window will change the setting on the appropriate channel.
Clicking the "Output enabled / Output disabled" button at the bottom will toggle the output of the device.