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ROS2 nodes to perform automated testing of material removal using a pneumatic grinder.


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Grinding model data gatherer

This branch contains code to perform tests on a stationary grinder. For the version with the robot-arm mounted grinder, see the moving_grinder branch.


Code to perform automated testing of material removal using a pneumatic grinder. It uses a laser line scanner on a UR16 to create a scan of the test plate. The grinder is then engaged and grinds away material for a set force, rpm, and duration. A second scan is then performed to measure the amount of material removed. The test data is recorded using rosbags.

The recorded rosbags can be processed into .csv files for modelling using the bag_converter package.

Installation and dependencies

Clone this repository. The following are the dependencies:

  • ferrobotics_acf: Controls the ACF

  • stamped_std_msgs: Stamped standard messages for data storage

  • data_gatherin_msgs: Additional msgs

  • ur_trajectory_controller: Controls the UR16e

  • scancontrol: ROS2 Driver for Scancontrol laser line scanners

  • lls_processing: Compiles 3D pointcloud reconstructions based on TF transfers

  • pcl_processing_ros2: Used to calculate volume loss between two scans

  • Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver: Driver for the UR16e

  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap: Enabled MCAP storage format for rosbags

  • open3d: for pointcloud operations. Note that the used (and currently latest) version requires Numpy < 1.25. Used in pcl_processing_ros2 and lls_processing.

  • libsdl2-dev: Simple DirectMedia Layer(SDL) 2.0 for keyboard repository

  • keyboard_msgs: keyboard ROS2 messages for UR trajectory recording. Used in ur_trajectory_controller

  • pyads: A Python wrapper for TwinCAT ADS library. Used in data_gathering

  • concave_hull: A Python library to calculate concave hulls. Used in pcl_processing_ros2

  • pyransac3d: A python library for the RANSAC algorithm. Used inpcl_processing_ros2

git clone
git clone -b humble
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone -b ros2-devel
git clone
git clone
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ur
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
git clone

pip install pyads==3.4.2
pip install open3d==0.18.0
pip install numpy==1.24.0
pip install pyransac3d==0.6.0


To launch use

ros2 launch data_gathering

This launch file is used to set all the test settings.



A node that connects to the PLC with grinder, and sends commands to the ACF node. It performs a grind for a requested force, RPM, and contact duration. Parameters:

  • plc_target_ams: AMS ID of the PLC.
  • plc_target_ip: IP address of the PLC.
  • timeout_time: Maximum time allowed before timeout.
  • time_before_extend: Time delay before ACF extension to allow the grinder to spin up.
  • rpm_control_var: Name of variable which controls the RPM through PLC.
  • grinder_on_var: Name of variable for turning the grinder on/off.
  • grinder_enabled: Bool that enables or disables the grinder.
  • time_var: Name of variable for PLC timestamps.
  • max_acf_extension: Maximum allowed ACF extension.


  • /acf/force Float32Stamped: Publishes the force applied during grinding.

  • ~/rpm Int32Stamped: Publishes the grinder's actual RPM. Solely for logging purposes.

  • ~/requested_rpm Int32Stamped: Publishes the requested RPM. Solely for logging purposes.

  • ~/timesync TimeSync: Publishes time synchronization messages between ROS and PLC.

  • /acf/telem ACFTelemStamped: Subscribes to ACF telemetry, handling force and position data.


  • ~/execute_test TestRequest: Starts a test by setting force, RPM, and contact duration. It handles RPM control, ACF engagement, monitoring grinder performance, and managing shutdown sequences on test completion or failure.


A node that cycles through the tests specified in the launch file. It coordinates the grinds, scans, volume calculations, and data recording.


  • force_settings: list of force settings for the queued tests

  • rpm_settings: list of RPM settings for the queued tests

  • contact_time_settings: list of contact time settings for the queued tests

  • grit: the grit of the sanding belt - for logging purposes

  • sample: handle/name by which to identify the tests - for logging purposes

  • plate_thickness: the thickness of the plate in mm.

  • belt_prime_force: the force setting at which to prime a new belt

  • belt_prime_rpm: the RPM setting at which to prime a new belt

  • belt_prime_time: the time setting at which to prime a new belt

  • initial_prime: bool to indicate whether a prime run needs to be performed before the first queued test

  • wear_threshold: the threshold of the belt wear indicator after which the belt needs to be changed

  • data_path: path to the data storage location

  • wear_tracking_path: path to the storage location of the belt run history to calculate wear

  • test_tracker_path: path to file which tracks all tests that have been run

  • record_path: path to rosbag storage


  • user/continue_testing [Empty]: Send Empty msg to this topic to continue testing when prompted

  • user/changed_belt [Empty]: Send Empty msg to this topic to confirm you have changed the belt when prompted

  • ~/test_failure [String]: Publishes a message indicating that a test has failed and why for logging purposes.

  • ~/belt_wear_history BeltWearHistory: Publishes the belt wear on the currently tracked belt for logging purposes

  • ~/grind_area GrindArea: Publishes the grinder contact area size for logging purposes

  • ~/volumeFloat32Stamped: Publishes the removed volume for logging purposes


  • execute_loop RequestPCL: Requests a scan of the test object
  • calculate_volume_lost RequestPCLVolumeDiff: Requests the comparison of two pointclouds and the calculation of lost volume.
  • data_collector/execute_test TestRequest: Requests a test from data_collector.


Normal arrows are topics, the double-sided arrows are services, and the dotted lines are only for data storage or monitoring purposes. data_gathering_architecture drawio


ROS2 nodes to perform automated testing of material removal using a pneumatic grinder.







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