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3D Third person shooter zombie wave control game. Made in Unity 3D.

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3D third person shooter zombie wave control. Made in Unity.

The objective in this game is to survive as long as you can while defeating waves of zombies. After clearing each wave, you'll receive random rewards that will help you survive next waves, but the fun part is that also certain items will be blocked randomly each wave, thus aiming for high replayability.

Third Person Shooter Controller

Our third person shooter controller is implemented using Unity's Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller - Unity Technologies.

Using this package as its base for character and movement control, we added a new class called ThirdPersonShooterController which manages all weapon related methods, such as activating equipped weapons, activating their rigs, etc.

Damage System

Our damage system is based on a base class called Damageable which is defined as follows:

title: Damageable Class
    class Damageable{
        +int MaxHitPoints
        +int CurrentHitPoints
        +ReceiveDamage(int damage)

Impact System and Surface Manager

Our impact system is an implementation of Surface Manager - Llam Academy.

Using this we are able to define audio and particle (or any game object spawn) effects for a collision depending on the type of texture of the collider. So far this is used for bullet collisions with different materials, bullet shell drops and magazine shell drops. Soon to be implemented to work on footsteps, so we can have different sound effects for different stepped objects.

Also, what makes it easy to use is that it's based on Scriptable Objects for holding all the information related to the effects, impact type and surface types.

title: Impact System and Surface Manager
direction TD
    class SurfaceManager{
        +List~SurfaceType~ Surfaces
        +Surface DefaultSurface
    class SurfaceType{
    +Texture Albedo
    +Surface Surface
    class Surface {
    +List~SurfaceImpactTypeEffect~ ImpactTypeEffects
    class SurfaceImpactTypeEffect {
    +ImpactType ImpactType
    +SurfaceEffect SurfaceEffect
    class ImpactType{
    class SurfaceEffect {
    +List~SpawnObjectEffect~ SpawnObjectEffects
    +List~PlayAudioEffect~ PlayAudioEffects
    class SpawnObjectEffect {
    +GameObject Prefab
    +float Probability
    +bool RandomizeRotation
    +Vector3 RandomizedRotationMultiplier
    class PlayAudioEffect {
    +AudioSource AudioSourcePrefab
    +List~AudioClip~ AudioClips

    +Vector2 VolumeRange
    SurfaceManager "1" --o "1..*" SurfaceType : aggregation
    SurfaceType "1" --o "1" Surface : aggregation
    Surface "1" --o "1..*" SurfaceImpactTypeEffect : aggregation
    SurfaceImpactTypeEffect "1" --o "1" ImpactType : aggregation
    SurfaceImpactTypeEffect "1" --o "1" SurfaceEffect : aggregation
    SurfaceEffect "1" --o "1..*" SpawnObjectEffect : aggregation
    SurfaceEffect "1" --o "1..*" PlayAudioEffect : aggregation

Weapon System

Weapon system created using S.O.L.I.D principles for modularity and better code. Scriptable Object based weapons, thus creating new weapons is easier.

This weapon system is supposed to have the classes Gun and MeleeWeapon as a base. So far GunHitscan and GunProjectile classes based on the Gun class have already been created, but MeleeWeapon weapons are also on the roadmap.

All animations for holding and aiming guns are Procedural Animations which run on top of the base animations from the third person controller. Also, for reloading animations, new animations were created using the Animation Rigging system.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons consist on weapons which deliver attacks by themselves by swinging them. For this demo, only a Katana was programmed and rigged since by using animation rigging, we are unable to properly use mocap animations. All attack animations were made by using animation rigging solutions.

Hitscan Guns

Hitscan guns don't actually shoot bullets, but instead cast a ray which will cause damage to Damageable classes on hit. For these type of guns we will define a Trail Renderer, as well as its Damage Configuration.

So far the weapons implemented are:

  • Pistol
  • Machinegun
  • Shotgun
  • Uzi

Projectile Guns

Projectile guns use physic based projectiles instead of raycasts. These projectiles will vary depending on the weapon used, so far we have the following weapons:

  • Crossbow: uses DartProjectile as a projectile
  • RocketLauncher: uses RocketProjectile as a projectile

In the case of the Crossbow, the damage is done when the dart projectile hits an object (only if this object is of type Damageable). Also, after hitting its target, the dart shot will remain attached to the collided game object.

For the RocketLauncher, a misile of the class RocketProjectile is shot, which will explode by colliding to an object or after traveling certain defined distance.

Weapon System Class Diagrams

title: Weapon System - Main
direction TD
    class Weapon{
    class MeleeWeapon {
    class Gun {
        #GunScriptableObject GunConfiguration
        +GameObject animationObject
        +AnimationClip ReloadAnimationClip
        -GunAnimations weaponAnimations
        #float continuousShootingTime
        #Vector2 currentRecoilRotation
        #Vector2 targetRecoilRotation
        #float LastshootTime
        +int CurrentClipAmmo
        +int CurrentStockedAmmo
        #CalculateSpread(float crosshairDistance): Vector3
    class GunScriptableObject {
        +string GunName
        +bool IsHitscan
        +ShootConfigurationScriptableObject ShootConfig
        +RecoilConfigurationScriptableObject RecoilConfig
        +AmmoConfigurationScriptableObject AmmoConfig
        +AudioConfigurationScriptableObject AudioConfig
        +TrailConfigurationScriptableObject TrailConfig
        +DamageConfigurationScriptableObject DamageConfig
    class GunAnimations {
        -Animation anim
        PlayShootAnimation(float delay)
        PlayReloadAnimation(float delay)
    class GunHitscan {
        -ImpactType impactType
        -Transform bulletTrailContainer
        -ObjectPool~TrailRenderer~ TrailPool

    class GunProjectile {
        -Projectile projectilePrefab
        -float projectileLaunchForce
        -bool poolableProjectiles
        -ObjectPool~Projectile~ projectilePool
        -Transform projectileContainer

        +ShootProjectile(Vector3 shootDirection)
        -CreateBullet(): Projectile
    MeleeWeapon  --|> Weapon : Inheritance
    Gun --|> Weapon : Inheritance
    Gun "1" --o "1" GunScriptableObject : Addition
    Gun "1" --o "1" GunAnimations : Addition
    GunHitscan --|> Gun  : Inheritance
    GunProjectile --|> Gun : Inheritance
title: Weapon System - Gun Scriptable Objects
direction TD
    class GunScriptableObject {
        +string GunName
        +bool IsHitscan
        +ShootConfigurationScriptableObject ShootConfig
        +RecoilConfigurationScriptableObject RecoilConfig
        +AmmoConfigurationScriptableObject AmmoConfig
        +AudioConfigurationScriptableObject AudioConfig
        +TrailConfigurationScriptableObject TrailConfig
        +DamageConfigurationScriptableObject DamageConfig
    class ShootConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +LayerMask HitMask
        +int PelletsPerBullet
        +Vector3 Spread
        +float FireRate
        +float CameraShakeAmplitude
        +float CameraShakeDuration
    class RecoilConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +Vector2 RecoilPattern
        +float RecoilSnappiness
        +float RecoilRecoverySpeed
        +float MaxRecoilTime
    class AmmoConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +Sprite BulletSprite
        +int ClipSize
        +float ShootAnimationDelay
    class AudioConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +float Volume
        +AudioClip[] FireClips
        +AudioClip EmptyClip
    class TrailConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +Material Material
        +AnimationCurve WidthCurve
        +float Duration
        +float MinVertexDistance
        +Gradient Color
        +float MaxDistance
        +float SimulationSpeed
        +float HitForce
    class DamageConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +MinMaxCurve DamageCurve
        +GetDamage(float distance): int

    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" ShootConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" RecoilConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" AmmoConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" AudioConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" TrailConfigurationScriptableObject : (if IsHitscan) Addition
    GunScriptableObject "1" --o "1" DamageConfigurationScriptableObject : (if IsHitscan) Addition
title: Weapon System - Projectiles
direction TD

    class Projectile {
        #Rigidbody rigidBody
        #BoxCollider boxCollider
        #float maxDistance
        +bool PoolableProjectile
        +ObjectPool~Projectile~ ProjectilePool
        #AudioClip hitAudioClip
        #bool isDisabled
        #Vector3 startPosition
        #float distanceTraveled
        +LaunchProjectile(Vector3 launchForce)
    class DartProjectile {
        +DamageConfigurationScriptableObject DamageConfig
        #OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
    class RocketProjectile {
        -GameObject model
        -ParticleSystem rocketTrailParticleSystem
        -float constantSpeed
        -float disableTime
        -AudioSource audioSource
        -Explosion explosionObject
    class Explosion {
        -DamageConfigurationScriptableObject damageConfiguration
        -float explosionForce
        -SphereCollider explosionCollider
        -ParticleSystem explosionParticleSystem
        -OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    class DamageConfigurationScriptableObject {
        +MinMaxCurve DamageCurve
        +GetDamage(float distance): int
    DartProjectile  --|> Projectile : Inheritance
    RocketProjectile --|> Projectile : Inheritance
    DartProjectile "1" --o "1" DamageConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    Explosion "1" --o "1" DamageConfigurationScriptableObject : Addition
    RocketProjectile "1" --o "1" Explosion : Addition


A CrossHair class was also created for better aiming and as a target for our Procedural Animations. The position of this CrossHair will be the point in which a ray casted from the center of our camera collides with an object, if no collision is detected the position of the CrossHair will be a hundred meters forward from the camera in the ray direction.

The position is updated on the Update() method.

title: CrossHair Class
    class CrossHair{
        +Ray crossHairRay
        +RaycastHit crossHairRaycastHit


For our enemies we picked zombies of different types, which will behave slightly different from other variations to add more dynamism. All zombies will use the Finite State Machine pattern and will vary their states depending on the type of zombie.

Also, for a more realistic approach to hit reaction and death we will use Unity's Ragdolls to add physics based reactions to our hits. Each hit will trigger the ragdoll and add force to the hit body part, then by disabling the ragdoll and saving the local position and rotation of the different muscles we can simulate the hit as if it was a ragdoll without losing the animations. On top of that, we added a limit force that our enemies will resist, and if that limit is surpassed they'll enter the ragdoll mode and fall (ZombieRagdollState) and then stand up and go back to chasing or attacking depending on its distance to the player.

For locomotion we will be using a NavMeshAgent for our enemies so they avoid obstacles, but for more realistic movement we will be using root motion.

First Zombie (Walking and Runnning versions)

Our first zombie uses a Finite State Machine with the following states: ZombieChaseState, ZombieAttackState, ZombieRagdollState, ZombieResettingBonesState, ZombieStandingState and ZombieDeadState. As in a Finite State Machine, enemies can only be in one state at a time and in this machine the base states are the Chase and Attack states, which change depending on the distance to the player.

The Ragdoll, ResettingBones and Standing states are all ragdoll based states, being the falling, getting in position and standing state respectively.

As mentioned above, on top of the Finite State Machine we have a Ragdoll System which will be used for hit reaction, which enables the ragdoll for a frame to check the new position of their hit body parts and then interpolates those positions with the animated positions to give a realistic feel when hit. The state of the machine will only change to ragdoll mode if certain threshold is surpassed, otherwise this system will only work on top of the FSM.

Inventory System

One of the main iconic mechanincs of this game will be based on its inventory, which works like the suitcase inventory seen in Resident Evil 4 or Escape from Tarkov. The main idea of using this inventory system is to give the player more difficulty when setting their needed items for next waves of zombies all while having a set time limit. Also, to further down the difficulty we will be blocking items each wave to make it even more random and unexpected.

Inventory Manager

This class is the one responsible for storing the information of the current items that we have. How much ammo of each type do we have, what weapons do we have set in fast swap shortcuts, etc.

Inventory UI

This class will be the responsible of enabling/disabling all UI elements involved in this inventory system, being the pause menu (in which we can see the items we're currently holding, sort them, equip or discard items), rewards menu (open each time we finish a wave), fast swap configuration and fast swap gameplay panels.


To be used across different classes related to the inventory system we will be using the following enums:

  • AmmoType:

    • Ammo9mm
    • Ammo7mm
    • Ammo12G
    • AmmoRocketLauncher
    • AmmoCrossbow
  • ItemType:

    • Ammo
    • Gun
    • Melee
    • Consumable


Is the main class in which Inventories are based on, defining the actual grid, positions, etc.

Inventory Visual Related Classes

In this section we will briefly describe the classes involved in the visual aspect of the inventory system.

  • Inventory: main canvas panel of the inventory system. This is where items will be stored and placed and we can have multiple inventory panels in the game, so we will differentiate between main inventories (ones which represent our actual inventory) and non main inventories (which represent inventories containing rewards to be used)
  • InventoryDragDropSystem: as the name implies, this class has the drag and drop functionalities, checking when items are being dragged and then placed in different positions of inventories
  • InventoryManualPlacement: this class is made for testing purposes, so we can quickly test if the inventories are working correctly. Used to populate manually any inventory
  • ItemGhost: when dragging any item we will display its visual reference as a moving "ghost", and this class is responsible for that behaviour

Item Related Classes

Items are the main component of our inventories, as mentioned above in the enums section we have different types of items, such as Guns, Melee weapons, Consumables and Ammo.

Constant information is stored in the ItemScriptableObject class, which holds information about the item dimensions, item type, item name and different prefabs used throught inventories.

Variable information will be stored in the Item class category, for example being it current ammo, max ammo capacity, etc.

Also for the drag and drop system to work properly we will attach the ItemDragDrop class to all item prefabs.

Wave Manager and Rewards

To control the main loop for the game we will be using a wave control model in which we set certain number of zombies to be spawned each wave and by defeating them we will get rewards accordingly to the difficulty of each level.

Wave Manager

Structs were created to populate lists which contain information about the enemies to be spawned and rewards to be given each wave. These enums are as follows:

Spawn Object Struct

title: Spawn Object Struct
    class SpawnObjectStruct{
        +GameObject Prefab
        +float SpawnProbability

On the Prefab variable, enemy prefabs will be used. On the other hand, the SpawnProbability variable is a variable between 0 and 1 which determines the possibility of spawning its respective prefab.

Wave Spawn Struct

title: Wave Spawn Struct
    class WaveSpawnStruct{
        +int EnemiesToSpawn
        +List<SpawnObjectStruct> SpawnObjects

For each wave, we will define a list of SpawnObjectStruct objects, which will define the type of enemies to be spawned.

Reward Item

title: Reward Item
    class RewardItem{
        +Item Item
        +ItemType ItemType
        +float Probability
        +int Amount
        +Vector2Int AmmoMinMax
        +Vector2Int LoadedAmmoMinMax
        +Vector2 DurabilityMinMax

This struct will determine an item to be given as a reward (with certain probability), also depending on the item type we will set different vectors which will determine information about the reward item, for example, the amount of ammo certain weapon is currenty loaded with when awarded.

Wave Rewards Struct

title: Wave Rewards Struct
    class WaveRewardsStruct{
        +List<RewardItem> RewardItems


As for the rewards, these will be given in a specific UI designed to hold different inventories. On the left side we will have the main inventory and on the right side of the UI we will have a scrollable area containing three reward inventories, separated by item type, being Consumables, Melee and Gun inventories respectively.


3D Third person shooter zombie wave control game. Made in Unity 3D.







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