A music app for kids, built with Java on Android Studios. "Ola Ola" is a filler word that my 3 year old daughter uses when she's unsure what to say. I didn't know what to call my app, so let's call it "Ola Ola". Ola coincidentally means wave in Spanish. Like sound waves! 💡
- Proposed GUI on XD
- App Login via Firebase Authentication
- Store/Retrieve data from Firebase Realtime Database
- Slide transitions
- Swipe left/right to change music
- Scrub songs
- Replay music
- Shuffle music
- Swipe to change songs
- Store additional user details on Firebase
- Display unique user name on Song Listing Activity
- The uneven songlist was done intentionally to display the dynamics of the 2 column layout.
- Swipe left/right on the player screen to change songs
- Swipe down on the player screen to go back to the song list
I designed the app on Adobe XD. The initial design contains additional functions which was later not included due to time constraints.
- Tapping on the coverArt multiple times causes startActivity animation to appear
- When going prevActivity from the player, the current screen blinks for a second
- Pressing next/previous, the current coverArt disappears instead of slides out
- Sometimes the shuffle song lands on the same song again
I've also documented the programming process (and my #100daysofcode journey) on my instagram page mmw.codes