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The go-words is a words table and text resource library for Golang projects.

It provides text for your application messages, alerts, translations, prompts and ...


To install it:

go get -u


import (
/* OR */
import (
  gowords ""
  core    ""


A source is a string or a file that contains text lines, each separated by a line break.

Each line must contain a key and value pair, with the key separated from the value by a separator character.

A key must be a unique and searchable word. It can be a single word or a phrase.

A value can be a single word, a phrase, or empty.

All leading and trailing whitespace of the key and value will be trimmed and removed upon loading.

A separator is a single delimiter character that separates the key and value in each line. The default separator character is = (of rune type). Other valid characters such as |, :, ;, ,, ., ?, and @ can also be used.

A line can also be a comment or an empty line.

A comment is a line that starts with a comment character. The default comment character is # (of rune type), but other valid characters such as |, :, ;, ,, ., ?, and @ can also be used.

All comments and empty lines will be removed upon loading.

You cannot use the same character for both the separator and the comment.

Source Outline:

# comment line

Key and Value samples:

Sample Result
key1=value1 key1=value1
key2 =value2 key2=value2
key3= value3 key3=value3
key4 = value4 key4=value4
key5 = value5 key5=value5
key6 = value6 key6=value6
key7 multi words = value7 multi words key7 multi words=value7 multi words
key8 multi words = value8 multi words key8 multi words=value8 multi words
key9= key9=
key10 ERROR separator not found
= value11 ERROR key not found
# comment REMOVE
#a long long long comment REMOVE
(empty line) REMOVE

Source sample:

App = MyApp
Version = 1.0
Descriptin = An enterprise application
# Config Section
size = 100,200,300,400
left location = 10
right location = 20
load_position = top left

Suppling source in code:

// Source string
const stringSource string = `
App = MyApp
Version = 1.0
Descriptin = An enterprise application
# Config Section
size = 100,200,300,400
left location = 10
right location = 20
load_position = top left
// Source file
var fileSource *os.File
fileSource, err := os.Open("<path_to_string_file>")


The go-words contain 3 different types of APIs, each with a different source and storage, so they have different performances, throughput, and resource usage.

API Source Storage Source Validation Resource Usage
WordsRepository string array On instantiation Memory
WordsCollection string map On instantiation Memory
WordsFile *os.File *os.File Calling CheckError CPU


To create WordsRepository and WordsCollection instances use NewWordsRepository, NewWordsCollection functions and provide source, separator character and comment character.

WordsRepository example:

func main() {
  const separator = '='
  const comment = '#'
  var err error

  var wrd gowords.WordsRepository
  wrd, err = gowords.NewWordsRepository(stringSource, separator, comment)

WordsCollection example:

func main() {
  const separator = '='
  const comment = '#'
  var err error

  var wrd gowords.WordsCollection
  wrd, err = gowords.NewWordsCollection(stringSource, separator, comment)

These functions check and validate source, separator character, comment character and duplication on calling.

To create WordsFile instance use NewWordsFile function and provide source, separator character and comment character.

func main() {
  const separator = '='
  const comment = '#'
  var err error

  var fileSource *os.File
  fileSource, err = os.Open("<path_to_string_file>")
  defer fileSource.Close()

  var wrd gowords.NewWordsFile
  wrd, err = gowords.NewWordsFile(fileSource, separator, comment)

This function check and validate separator character and comment character on calling. To validate source and check duplication call CheckError method after instantiation.

err := wrd.CheckError()


You can use pre-declared characters for separator and comment delimiters of package in instantiation.

  • core.Separator for separator.
  • core.Comment for comment.
gowords.NewWordsRepository(stringSource, core.Separator, core.Comment)
gowords.NewWordsCollection(stringSource, core.Separator, core.Comment)
gowords.NewWordsFile(fileSource, core.Separator, core.Comment)


All APIs implement Words interface. This interface has two method Get and Find to search key and return value.

  • The Get method search for a key then return value if found, else return empty string:
var value string

value = wrd.Get("App")
println(value)  // OUTPUT: "MyApp"

value = wrd.Get("uknown_key")
println(value)  // OUTPUT: ""
  • The Find method search for a key then return value and true boolean if found, else return empty string and false boolean:
var value string
var found bool

value, found = wrd.Find("App")
println(value, found)  // OUTPUT: "MyApp", true

value, found = wrd.Find("uknown_key")
println(value, found)  // OUTPUT: "", false

Both methods validate input key on calling.

Visit "" to see more samples.


Using WithSuffix API to provide categorized words table and text resource, usually for internationalization and multi language texts.

To use WithSuffix:

  1. Provide keys of source with desire suffixes.

    It's better to concate your key and suffixe with _ character.

  2. Define a variable of Suffix type from core package and instantiate WithSuffix API with a instance of Words interface (an instance of NewWordsRepository, NewWordsCollection, and NewWordsFile) and defined suffix.

  3. Using Get and Find methods of WithSuffix instance to search for a name which applied suffix.

func main() {
  const stringSource string = `
key1_EN = Value 1 English
key1_FA = Value 1 Farsi

key2_EN = Value 2 English
key2_FA = Value 2 Farsi

key3_EN = Value 3 English
key3_FA = Value 3 Farsi

  const EN core.Suffix = "_EN"
  const FA core.Suffix = "_FA"

  var wrd gowords.WordsRepository
  wrd, err := gowords.NewWordsRepository(stringSource, core.Separator, core.Comment)
  if err != nil {

  wordsEN, err := gowords.NewWithSuffix(wrd, EN)
  if err != nil {

  wordsFA, err := gowords.NewWithSuffix(wrd, FA)
  if err != nil {

  value1en := wordsEN.Get("key1")
  println(value1en)  // OUTPUT: "Value 1 English"

  value2en, found2en := wordsEN.Find("key2")
  println(value2en, found2en)  // OUTPUT: "Value 2 English", true

  value1fa := wordsFA.Get("key1")
  println(value1fa)  // OUTPUT: "Value 1 Farsi"

  value2fa, found2fa := wordsFA.Find("key2")
  println(value2fa, found2fa)  // OUTPUT: "Value 2 Farsi", true

The NewWithSuffix function validate suffix on calling.


Using DoAnnotation API to format value according to an annotation or a format specifier.

There are 3 types of annotations:

  • Named: format value using named tokens like {{name}} by GetNamed and FindNamed methods.
  • Indexed: format value using indexed tokens like {{1}} by GetIndexed and FindIndexed methods.
  • Formatted: format value using formatted verbs ( like %s by GetFormatted and FindFormatted methods.
func main() {
  const stringSource string = `
key_named = Application {{name}} , Version {{ver}}.
key_indexed = Application {{1}} , Version {{2}}.
key_formatted = Application %s , Version %d.

  var wRepository gowords.WordsRepository
  wRepository, err := gowords.NewWordsRepository(stringSource, core.Separator, core.Comment)
  if err != nil {

  words, err := gowords.NewDoAnnotation(wRepository)
  if err != nil {

  value1 := words.GetNamed("key_named", map[string]string{
    "name": "MyAppX",
    "age": "111",
  fmt.Println(value1)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppX , Version 111"

  value2, found2 := words.FindNamed("key_named", map[string]string{
    "name": "MyAppZ",
    "age": "222",
  fmt.Println(value2, found2)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppZ , Version 222", true

  value3 := words.GetIndexed("key_indexed", "MyAppQ", 333)
  fmt.Println(value3)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppQ , Version 333"

  value4, found4 := words.FindIndexed("key_indexed", "MyAppW", 444)
  fmt.Println(value4, found4)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppW , Version 444"

  value5 := words.GetFormatted("key_formatted", "MyAppN", 555)
  fmt.Println(value5)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppN , Version 555"

  value6, found6 := words.FindFormatted("key_formatted", "MyAppM", 666)
  fmt.Println(value6, found6)  // OUTPUT: "Application MyAppM , Version 666"

Helper functions

There are some service functions, providing helper and utility functions, and also a simpler interface to working with APIs:

  • GetBy: a helper to search for a name by suffix and using Get method of Words object.
const EN core.Suffix = "_EN"
value1En := gowords.GetBy(wrd, "key1", EN)
  • FindBy: a helper to search for a name by suffix and using Find method of Words object.
const EN core.Suffix = "_EN"
value1En, found := gowords.FindBy(wrd, "key1", EN)

Internationalization and Multi-Language

To internationalization your messages, alerts and texts, leverage WithSuffix API.

Prior to version 1.1.0, visit Wiki Internationalization.


goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU  @ 2.93GHz
BenchmarkWordsCollection-4            20426679        62.60 ns/op          0 B/op       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsRepository-4               65107        16248 ns/op          1 B/op       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsFile-4                      9357       191994 ns/op      19280 B/op    1001 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsFileUnsafe-4                5299       238233 ns/op      19280 B/op    1001 allocs/op
BenchmarkDoAnnotationNamed-4            352963         4641 ns/op        152 B/op       6 allocs/op
BenchmarkDoAnnotationIndexed-4          171255         6257 ns/op        498 B/op       9 allocs/op
BenchmarkDoAnnotationFormatted-4       1000000         1040 ns/op         64 B/op       1 allocs/op
coverage: 46.2% of statements
ok  6.400s

Architecture Decisions

Architecture decision records (ADR) and design specifications:

Index Description
01 Deciding on a parsing strategy
02 Providing different storages